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How PyRPL works
Infos for Developers
5. Notes for developers
5. Notes for developers
5.1. Contributing to PyRPL
5.2. Building the FPGA firmware
5.2.1. Compiling the FPGA code
5.2.2. How to get the right license for Vivado 2015.4
5.3. Unittests
5.4. Coding style guidelines
5.4.1. General guidelines
5.4.2. Naming conventions
5.4.3. Docstrings
5.5. Workflow to submit code changes
5.5.1. Preliminaries
5.5.2. Use git to collaborate on code
5.6. API specifications from the moment of their development
5.6.1. Requirements for an asynchronous interface compatible with python 3 asyncio
5.6.2. Asynchronous sleep function and benchmarks
5.6.3. How a spectrum is computed in PyRPL
5.6.4. MemoryTree
5.6.5. Base classes Attributes and Module
5.6.6. Starting to rewrite SelectAttribute/Property
5.6.7. AcquisitionModule
5.6.8. Lockbox
5.6.9. DataWidget
5.7. Distribution of pyrpl
5.7.1. How to generate the automatic documentation with Sphinx
5.7.2. How to make a single-file pyrpl executable not depending on a Python installation
5.7.3. Prepare a new release
5.8. SD card preparation
5.8.1. Option 1: flash the full image at once
5.8.2. Option 2: Format and copy a list of files on the SD card
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