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Source code for pyrpl.test.test_load_save

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
from pyrpl.attributes import *
from pyrpl.test.test_base import TestPyrpl
from pyrpl.software_modules import *
from pyrpl.software_modules.module_managers import *
from pyrpl.hardware_modules import *
from pyrpl.modules import *
from pyrpl import APP
from pyrpl.async_utils import sleep as async_sleep
from qtpy import QtCore

[docs]def scramble_values(mod, str_val='foo', num_val=12.0, bool_val=True, list_val=[1912], option_index=0, list_length=4): """ This function tries to modify all _setup_attributes of the module :code:`mod`. The arguments specify the new values for each type of Attribute. Args: mod: Module whose values are to be scrambled. str_val: string value num_val: number value bool_val: etc... list_val: option_index: list_length: Returns: attr_names, attr_vals: lists of all modified attribute names and the set values. """ attr_names =[] attr_vals = [] for attr in mod._setup_attributes: if attr=='default_sweep_output': val = None# anyways, this will be redesigned soon with a proper link to the output... elif attr=='sequence': val = [{}] * list_length else: val = getattr(mod, attr) desc = getattr(mod.__class__, attr) if isinstance(desc, SelectProperty): val = list(desc.options(mod).keys())[option_index % len(desc.options(mod))] elif isinstance(val, str): # used to be basestring val = str_val if isinstance(val, bool): val = bool_val if isinstance(val, numbers.Number): val += num_val if isinstance(mod, list): val = list_val if attr == 'center': # iq mode not supported yet for specan val = 0 if attr=='baseband': # iq mode not supported yet for specan val = True try: setattr(mod, attr, val) except ValueError as e: if not str(e)=="Nonzero center frequency not allowed in baseband mode.": raise val = getattr(mod, attr) attr_names.append(attr) attr_vals.append(val) return attr_names, attr_vals
[docs]class TestLoadSave(TestPyrpl): """ iterates over all modules, prepares a certain state, saves this, messes up the current state, loads the saved state and checks whether attributes are the ones that were saved """
[docs] def test_load_save(self): for mod in self.pyrpl.modules: #for exclude in [Lockbox, Scope]: # scope has an unknown bug # here (nosetests freezes at a later time) for exclude in [Lockbox]: # lockbox is tested elsewhere if isinstance(mod, exclude): break else: yield self.assert_load_save_module, mod # make sure all modules are stopped at the end of this test try: mod.stop() except: pass
[docs] def assert_load_save_module(self, mod): if not isinstance(mod, ModuleManager):"Testing LoadSave of module %s", if isinstance(mod, SpectrumAnalyzer): mod.setup(baseband=True) # iq mod not supported yet attr_names, attr_vals = scramble_values( mod, 'foo', 12.1, True, [1923], 0, 5) mod.save_state('test_save') scramble_values(mod, 'bar', 13.2, False, [15], 1, 7) mod.load_state('test_save') for attr, attr_val in zip(mod._setup_attributes, attr_vals): if attr == 'default_sweep_output' or attr == 'baseband': continue # anyways, this will be redesigned soon with a proper link to the output... if attr == 'd': # derivators are deactivated pass elif attr == 'sequence': assert len(getattr(mod, attr)) == len(attr_val), "sequence" else: assert getattr(mod, attr)==attr_val, (mod, attr, attr_val, getattr(mod, attr)) async_sleep(0.01) # randomly inserted in fear of bugs async_sleep(0.1) # randomly inserted in fear of bugs