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Source code for pyrpl.widgets.module_widgets.iq_widget

The IQ-module is a very flexible Digital Signal Processing tool. Different
values of the internal registers can be configured to perform various tasks:

Pound Drever Hall signal generation

The PDH locking technique is widely used to lock a laser beam to a
high-finesse optical cavity. The principle is to generate a strong
phase modulation of the laser beam (for instance, with an electro-optic modulator)
at a frequency exceeding the cavity bandwidth and to detect the amplitude
modulation in the beam reflected by the cavity. The amplitude
modulation is caused by the abrupt phase response of the cavity affecting
independently the sidebands from the carrier, and its sign with respect
to the imposed modulation depends on cavity detuning. The
high-speed digital signal processing of the redpitaya allows us to
perform all the modulation/demodulation steps inside the FPGA,
with modulations frequencies up to Nyquist frequecies (62.5 MHz). The
correct IQ-module settings for PDH generation are (refer to the IQ
signal schematic for explanations):

- gain=0. # no link from demodulation to modulation stage
- amplitude=1. # amplitude of the modulation
- frequency=50e6 # Modulation frequency
- phase=0 # adjust to compensate for cable length delays
- output_direct='out1' # output to optical phase modulator
- output_signal='quadrature'
- input='in1' # input from photodiode
- bandwidth=1e5 # trade-off between noise and error-signal bandwidth
- quadrature_factor=256 # adjust for saturation level
- acbandwidth=1e4 # to prevent internal saturation problems

Network analyzer

The network analyzer uses an IQ internally to accumulate the
demodulated signal. The Network analyzer module automatically sets the
following settings for the IQ module registers::

  output_direct=output_direct  # use output_signal to excite an internal signal
  frequency=frequency # is value is scanned over time
  bandwidth=rbw # bandwidth of the frequency analysis

Phase-frequency detector
The IQ-module can be used to perform phase/frequency comparison between
the internal frequency reference and an input signal. This is done by
connecting the output multiplexer to a frequency comparator (not
represented in the schematic)::


Tuanble bandpass filter

It is possible to realize very narrow bandpass filters by combining a
demodulation and a remodulation stage. The correct settings are::

  gain=1. # demod-> modulation gain
  amplitude=0. # no internal excitation
  frequency=1e6 # filter center frequency
  bandwidth=100 # filter bandwidth (use a tuple for high-order filters)
  output_signal='ouptut_direct' # if the signal needs to be used internally
  phase=30 # eventually include some dephasing to the filter
from .base_module_widget import ModuleWidget

from qtpy import QtCore, QtWidgets

[docs]class IqWidget(ModuleWidget): """ Widget for the IQ module """
[docs] def init_gui(self): super(IqWidget, self).init_gui() ##Then remove properties from normal property layout ## We will make one where buttons are stack on top of each others by functional column blocks for key, widget in self.attribute_widgets.items(): layout = widget.layout_v self.attribute_layout.removeWidget(widget) self.attribute_widgets["bandwidth"].widget.set_max_cols(2) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["input"]) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["acbandwidth"]) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["frequency"]) self.attribute_widgets["frequency"].layout_v.insertWidget(3, self.attribute_widgets["phase"]) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["bandwidth"]) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["quadrature_factor"]) # since the singleStep is 1., the default value would be too small self.attribute_widgets["quadrature_factor"].widget.per_second=10 self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["gain"]) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["amplitude"]) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.attribute_widgets["output_signal"]) self.attribute_widgets["output_signal"].layout_v.insertWidget(3, self.attribute_widgets["output_direct"]) self.attribute_layout.setStretch(0,0) self.attribute_layout.addStretch(1)