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Source code for pyrpl.widgets.attribute_widgets

AttributeWidgets' hierarchy is parallel to Attribute' hierarchy

An instance attr of Attribute can create its AttributeWidget counterPart
by calling attr.create_widget(name, parent).

import numpy as np
from qtpy import QtCore, QtWidgets
import pyqtgraph as pg
from .spinbox import NumberSpinBox, IntSpinBox, FloatSpinBox, ComplexSpinBox
from .. import pyrpl_utils
from ..curvedb import CurveDB

import sys

# TODO: try to remove widget_name from here (again)
[docs]class BaseAttributeWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ Base class for attribute widgets. The widget usually contains a label and a subwidget (property 'widget' of the instance), corresponding to the associated attribute. The subwidget is the created by the function make_widget. AttributeWidgets are always contained in a ModuleWidget and should be fully managed by this ModuleWidget. If widget_name=="", then only the subwidget is shown without label. A minimum widget should implmenet set_widget, _update, and possibly module_value. """ value_changed = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, module, attribute_name, widget_name=None): super(BaseAttributeWidget, self).__init__() self.module = module self.attribute_name = attribute_name if widget_name is None: self.widget_name = self.attribute_name else: self.widget_name = widget_name self.setToolTip(self.attribute_descriptor.__doc__) self.layout_v = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.layout = self.layout_v if self.widget_name != "": self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.widget_name) self.layout.addWidget(self.label, 0) # stretch=0 self.layout.addStretch(1) self.layout_v.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._make_widget() self.layout.addWidget(self.widget, 0) # stretch=0 self.layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.write_attribute_value_to_widget() # this is very nice for debugging, but should probably be removed later setattr(self.module, '_'+self.attribute_name+'_widget', self) @property def attribute_descriptor(self): return getattr(self.module.__class__, self.attribute_name) @property def attribute_value(self): return getattr(self.module, self.attribute_name) @attribute_value.setter def attribute_value(self, v): setattr(self.module, self.attribute_name, v) @property def widget_value(self): """ Property for the current value of the widget. The associated setter takes care of not re-emitting signals when the gui value is modified through the setter. """ return self._get_widget_value() @widget_value.setter def widget_value(self, v): if not self.widget.hasFocus(): try: self.widget.blockSignals(True) self._set_widget_value(v) finally: self.widget.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def write_widget_value_to_attribute(self): self.attribute_value = self.widget_value # since there is no protection there, the value will propagate # widget manipulation --> module change --> widget change # However, since there is a blockSignal in the setter of widget_value, # the loop stops there. However a widget manipulation (a click on the # widget arrow for instance) results in 2 widgets overwrites # it does not hurt to imitate the signal of the subwidget, # even though most of the time nothing is connected to it self.value_changed.emit()
[docs] def write_attribute_value_to_widget(self): """ trivial helper function, updates widget value from the attribute""" current_value = self.attribute_value if current_value is None: # SelectAttributes might have a None value self.module._logger.warning("Cannot set widget %s of attribute " "%s.%s to the current value " "'None'.", self.widget_name,, self.attribute_name) else: self.widget_value = current_value
[docs] def editing(self): """ User is editing the property graphically don't mess up with him :return: """ return self.widget.editing()
[docs] def set_horizontal(self): """ puts the label to the left of the widget instead of atop """ self.layout_h = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() if hasattr(self, 'label'): self.layout_v.removeWidget(self.label) self.layout_h.addWidget(self.label) self.layout.addStretch(1) self.layout_v.removeWidget(self.widget) self.layout_h.addWidget(self.widget) self.layout.addStretch(1) self.layout_v.addLayout(self.layout_h) self.layout = self.layout_h
def _make_widget(self): """ create the new widget. Overwrite in derived class. """ self.widget = None def _get_widget_value(self): """ returns the current value shown by the widget. The type that is returned is understood by the underlying attribute. Overwrite in derived class. """ return self.widget.value() def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): """ Changes the value displayed in the widget. Overwrite in derived class. """ self.widget.setValue(new_value)
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, event): """ Handle mouse wheel event. """ # We generally disable the mouse wheel because it is a # frequent source of errors / undesired changes of variables # Here, it is simply forwarded upwards in hierarchy. return super(BaseAttributeWidget, self).wheelEvent(event)
[docs]class StringAttributeWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ Widget for string values. """ def _make_widget(self): self.widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.widget.setMaximumWidth(200) self.widget.textChanged.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) def _get_widget_value(self): return str(self.widget.text()) def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): self.widget.setText(new_value)
[docs]class TextAttributeWidget(StringAttributeWidget): """ Property for multiline string values. """ def _make_widget(self): self.widget = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() self.widget.textChanged.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) def _get_widget_value(self): return str(self.widget.toPlainText())
[docs]class NumberAttributeWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ Base widget for float and int. """ SpinBox = NumberSpinBox def _make_widget(self): super(NumberAttributeWidget, self)._make_widget() self.widget = self.SpinBox(None) self.widget.value_changed.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) self.widget.setSingleStep(self.attribute_descriptor.increment) self.widget.setMaximum(self.attribute_descriptor.max) self.widget.setMinimum(self.attribute_descriptor.min) if self.attribute_descriptor.log_increment: self.widget.set_log_increment() def _get_widget_value(self): return self.widget.value()
[docs] def editing(self): return self.widget.line.hasFocus()
[docs] def set_per_second(self, val): self.widget.set_per_second(val)
[docs] def set_log_increment(self): self.widget.set_log_increment()
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ forwards all key events to spinbox """ return self.widget.keyPressEvent(event)
[docs] def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): """ forwards all key events to spinbox """ return self.widget.keyReleaseEvent(event)
[docs]class IntAttributeWidget(NumberAttributeWidget): """ Widget for integer values. """ SpinBox = IntSpinBox
[docs]class FloatAttributeWidget(NumberAttributeWidget): """ Widget for float values """ SpinBox = FloatSpinBox
[docs]class ComplexAttributeWidget(FloatAttributeWidget): """ Widget for complex values """ SpinBox = ComplexSpinBox
[docs]class ListElementWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ this is a wrapper class to embed any AttributeWidget as an element of BasePropertyListPropertyWidget. Its usage is found in the property element_widget_cls of BasePropertyListPropertyWidget. """ def __init__(self, parent, startindex, *args, **kwargs): self.parent = parent self.startindex = startindex super(ListElementWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.set_horizontal() self.button_remove = QtWidgets.QPushButton('-') self.button_remove.clicked.connect(self.remove_this_element) self.button_remove.setFixedWidth(3 * 10) self.layout.addWidget(self.button_remove, 0) # stretch=0 self.layout.addStretch(1) # this is very nice for debugging, but should probably be removed later setattr(self.module, '_'+self.attribute_name+'_widget', self.parent)
[docs] def remove_this_element(self): self.parent.attribute_value.__delitem__(index=self.index)
@property def index(self): if self in self.parent.widgets: return self.parent.widgets.index(self) else: return self.startindex @property def attribute_value(self): return getattr(self.module, self.attribute_name)[self.index] @attribute_value.setter def attribute_value(self, v): getattr(self.module, self.attribute_name)[self.index] = v
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): self.parent.attribute_value.selected = self.index return super(ListElementWidget, self).mousePressEvent(event)
[docs] def focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent): self.parent.attribute_value.selected = self.index
# keyboard interface # def keyPressEvent(self, event): # """ forwards all key events to selected widget """ # if self.parent.selected is not None: # return self.parent.selected.keyPressEvent(event) # else: # super(ListElementWidget, self).keyPressEvent(event) # # # def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): # """ forwards all key events to selected widget """ # if self.parent.selected is not None: # return self.parent.selected.keyReleaseEvent(event) # else: # super(ListElementWidget, self).keyReleaseEvent(event)
[docs]class BasePropertyListPropertyWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ A widget for a list of Attributes, deriving its functionality from the underlying widgets """ def _make_widget(self): self.widget = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.widget_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.widget.setLayout(self.widget_layout) self.widgets = [] self.button_add = QtWidgets.QPushButton("+") self.button_add.clicked.connect(self.append_default) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.button_add) self.widget_layout.addStretch(1) self.widget_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.selected = None self.update_widget_names() @property def element_widget_cls(self): return type("ElementWidget", (ListElementWidget, self.attribute_descriptor.element_cls._widget_class, ), {})
[docs] def update_attribute_by_name(self, new_value_list): current_list, operation, index, value = new_value_list if operation == "insert": self.insert(index, value) elif operation == "setitem": self.setitem(index, value) elif operation == "delitem": self.delitem(index) elif operation == "select": else: self.module._logger.error("%s.%s_widget.update_attribute_by_name " "was called with wrong arguments: %s",,, new_value_list)
[docs] def append_default(self): self.attribute_value.append()
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): """" make a new element widget - this function is called by the attribute """ element_widget = self.element_widget_cls(self, index, self.module, self.attribute_name, widget_name=str(index)) self.widgets.insert(index, element_widget) if index+1 >= len(self.widgets): # widget must be inserted at the end insert_before = self.button_add else: # widget was inserted before another one insert_before = self.widgets[index+1] self.widget_layout.insertWidget(self.widget_layout.indexOf(insert_before), element_widget) self.update_widget_names()
[docs] def setitem(self, index, value): self.widgets[index].widget_value = value
[docs] def delitem(self, index=-1): if self.selected == index: self.selected = None widget = self.widgets.pop(index) widget.hide() self.widget_layout.removeWidget(widget) widget.deleteLater() self.update_widget_names() self.module._logger.error('delitem concluded')
[docs] def select(self, index): for i, widget in enumerate(self.widgets): if i == index: widget.setStyleSheet("background-color: yellow") widget.setFocus() else: widget.setStyleSheet("")
[docs] def update_widget_names(self): for widget in self.widgets: if hasattr(widget, 'label'): widget.label.setText('('+str(widget.index)+')')
def _get_widget_value(self): return [widget.widget_value for widget in self.widgets] def _set_widget_value(self, new_values): for index, new_value in enumerate(new_values): # replace or append new values try: self.setitem(index, new_value) except IndexError: self.insert(index, new_value) # remove the trailing items while len(self) > len(new_values): self.delitem()
[docs] def editing(self): edit = False for widget in self.widgets: edit = edit or widget.editing() return edit
@property def number(self): return self.__len__() def __len__(self): return len(self.widgets)
[docs]class ListComboBox(QtWidgets.QWidget): # exclusively used by FilterAttributeWidget, can be replaced by sth else # TODO: can be replaced by SelectAttributeWidget value_changed = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, number, name, options, decimals=3): super(ListComboBox, self).__init__() self.setToolTip("First order filter frequencies \n" "negative values are for high-pass \n" "positive for low pass") self.lay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.lay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.combos = [] self.options = options self.decimals = decimals for i in range(number): combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.combos.append(combo) combo.addItems(self.options) combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.value_changed) self.lay.addWidget(combo) self.setLayout(self.lay)
[docs] def change_options(self, new_options): self.options = new_options for combo in self.combos: combo.blockSignals(True) combo.clear() combo.addItems(new_options) combo.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def get_list(self): return [float(combo.currentText()) for combo in self.combos]
[docs] def set_max_cols(self, n_cols): """ If more than n boxes are required, go to next line """ if len(self.combos)<=n_cols: return for item in self.combos: self.lay.removeWidget(item) self.v_layouts = [] n = len(self.combos) n_rows = int(np.ceil(n*1.0/n_cols)) j = 0 for i in range(n_cols): layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.lay.addLayout(layout) for j in range(n_rows): index = i*n_rows + j if index>=n: break layout.addWidget(self.combos[index])
[docs] def set_list(self, val): if not np.iterable(val): val = [val] for i, v in enumerate(val): #v = str(int(v)) v = ('{:.' + str(self.decimals) + 'e}').format(float(v)) index = self.options.index(v) self.combos[i].setCurrentIndex(index)
[docs]class FilterAttributeWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ Property for list of floats (to be chosen in a list of valid_frequencies) The attribute descriptor needs to expose a function valid_frequencies(module) """ decimals = 3 def __init__(self, module, attribute_name, widget_name=None): val = getattr(module, attribute_name) if np.iterable(val): self.number = len(val) else: self.number = 1 self.options = getattr(module.__class__, attribute_name).valid_frequencies(module) super(FilterAttributeWidget, self).__init__(module, attribute_name, widget_name=widget_name) def _make_widget(self): """ Sets up the widget (here a QDoubleSpinBox) :return: """ self.widget = ListComboBox(self.number, "", self._format_options(), decimals=self.decimals) self.widget.value_changed.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) def _format_options(self): return [('{:.'+str(self.decimals)+'e}').format( float(option)) for option in self.options]
[docs] def refresh_options(self, module): self.options = getattr(module.__class__, self.attribute_name).valid_frequencies(module) self.widget.change_options(self._format_options())
def _get_widget_value(self): return self.widget.get_list() def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): if isinstance(new_value, str) or not np.iterable(new_value): # only 1 element in the FilterAttribute, make a list # for consistency with other filters (this used to be basestring) new_value = [new_value] self.widget.set_list(new_value)
[docs] def set_max_cols(self, n_cols): self.widget.set_max_cols(n_cols)
[docs]class SelectAttributeWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ Multiple choice property. """ def _make_widget(self): self.widget = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.widget.addItems(self.options) self.widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) @property def options(self): opt = self.attribute_descriptor.options(self.module).keys() opt = [str(v) for v in opt] if len(opt) == 0: opt = [""] return opt def _get_widget_value(self): return str(self.widget.currentText()) #try: # return str(self.widget.currentText()) # except ValueError as e1: # # typically string - int - conversion related # options = self.options # try: # index = [str(k) for k in options].index(str(self.widget.currentText())) # except ValueError as e2: # raise e1 # else: # setattr(self.module, self.attribute_name, options[index]) def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): try: index = self.options.index(str(new_value)) except (IndexError, ValueError): self.module._logger.warning("SelectWidget %s could not find " "current value %s in the options %s", self.attribute_name, new_value, self.options) index = 0 self.widget.setCurrentIndex(index)
[docs] def change_options(self, new_options=None): """ The options of the combobox can be changed dynamically. new_options is an argument that is ignored, since the new options are available as a property to the widget already. """ self.widget.blockSignals(True) #self.defaults = new_options self.widget.clear() #self.widget.addItems(new_options) # do not trust the new options, rather call options again self.widget.addItems(self.options) self.widget_value = self.attribute_value self.widget.blockSignals(False)
[docs]class LedAttributeWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ Boolean property with a button whose text and color indicates whether """ def _make_widget(self): desc = pyrpl_utils.recursive_getattr(self.module, '__class__.' + self.attribute_name) val = pyrpl_utils.recursive_getattr(self.module, self.attribute_name) self.widget = QtWidgets.QPushButton("setting up...") self.widget.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): if new_value == True: color = 'green' text = 'stop' else: color = 'red' text = 'start' self.widget.setStyleSheet("background-color:%s"%color) self.widget.setText(text)
[docs] def button_clicked(self): self.attribute_value = not self.attribute_value
[docs]class BoolAttributeWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): """ Checkbox for boolean attributes """ def _make_widget(self): self.widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() self.widget.stateChanged.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) def _get_widget_value(self): return (self.widget.checkState() == 2) def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): self.widget.setCheckState(new_value * 2)
[docs]class BoolIgnoreAttributeWidget(BoolAttributeWidget): """ Like BoolAttributeWidget with additional option 'ignore' that is shown as a grey check in GUI """ _gui_to_attribute_mapping = pyrpl_utils.Bijection({0: False, 1: 'ignore', 2: True}) def _make_widget(self): """ Sets the widget (here a QCheckbox) :return: """ self.widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() self.widget.setTristate(True) self.widget.stateChanged.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) self.setToolTip("Checked:\t on\nUnchecked: off\nGrey:\t ignore") def _get_widget_value(self): return self._gui_to_attribute_mapping[self.widget.checkState()] def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): self.widget.setCheckState( self._gui_to_attribute_mapping.inverse[new_value])
class DataWidget(pg.GraphicsWindow): """ A widget to plot real or complex datasets. To plot data, use the function _set_widget_value(new_value, transform_magnitude) new_value is a a tuple (x, y), with x the x values, y, a 1D array for a single curve or a 2D array for multiple curves. If at least one of the curve is complex, magnitude and phases will be plotted. transform_magnitude is the function to transform magnitude data. """ _defaultcolors = ['m', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'y', 'c', 'o', 'w'] def __init__(self, title=None): super(DataWidget, self).__init__(title=title) self.plot_item = self.addPlot(title="Curve") self.plot_item_phase = self.addPlot(row=1, col=0, title="Phase (deg)") self.plot_item_phase.setXLink(self.plot_item) self.plot_item.showGrid(y=True, alpha=1.) self.plot_item_phase.showGrid(y=True, alpha=1.) self.curves = [] # self.plot_item.plot(pen='g') self.curves_phase = [] # self.plot_item_phase.plot(pen='g') self._is_real = True self._set_real(True) def _set_widget_value(self, new_value, transform_magnitude=lambda data : 20. * np.log10(np.abs(data) + sys.float_info.epsilon)): if new_value is None: return x, y = new_value shape = np.shape(y) if len(shape) > 2: raise ValueError("Data cannot be larger than 2 " "dimensional") if len(shape) == 1: y = [y] self._set_real(np.isreal(y).all()) for i, values in enumerate(y): self._display_curve_index(x, values, i, transform_magnitude=transform_magnitude) while (i + 1 < len(self.curves)): # delete remaining curves i += 1 self.curves[i].hide() def _display_curve_index(self, x, values, i, transform_magnitude): y_mag = transform_magnitude(values) y_phase = np.zeros(len(values)) if self._is_real else \ self._phase(values) if len(self.curves) <= i: color = self._defaultcolors[i % len(self._defaultcolors)] self.curves.append(self.plot_item.plot(pen=color)) self.curves_phase.append(self.plot_item_phase.plot(pen=color)) self.curves[i].setData(x, y_mag) self.curves_phase[i].setData(x, y_phase) def _set_real(self, bool): self._is_real = bool if bool: self.plot_item_phase.hide() self.plot_item.setTitle("") else: self.plot_item.setTitle("Magnitude (dB)") def _phase(self, data): """ little helpers """ return np.angle(data, deg=True) def setRange(self, *args, **kwds): self.plot_item.setRange(*args, **kwds)
[docs]class PlotAttributeWidget(BaseAttributeWidget): _defaultcolors = ['g', 'r', 'b', 'y', 'c', 'm', 'o', 'w']
[docs] def time(self): return pyrpl_utils.time()
def _make_widget(self): """ Sets the widget (here a QCheckbox) :return: """ self.widget = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Plot") legend = getattr(self.module.__class__, self.attribute_name).legend = self.widget.addPlot(title="%s vs. time (s)"%legend) self.plot_start_time = self.time() self.curves = {} setattr(self.module.__class__, '_' + self.attribute_name + '_pw', def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): try: args, kwargs = new_value except: if isinstance(new_value, dict): args, kwargs = [], new_value elif isinstance(new_value, list): args, kwargs = new_value, {} else: args, kwargs = [new_value], {} for k in kwargs.keys(): v = kwargs.pop(k) kwargs[k[0]] = v i=0 for value in args: while self._defaultcolors[i] in kwargs: i += 1 kwargs[self._defaultcolors[i]] = value t = self.time()-self.plot_start_time for color, value in kwargs.items(): if value is not None: if not color in self.curves: self.curves[color] = curve = self.curves[color] x, y = curve.getData() if x is None or y is None: x, y = np.array([t]), np.array([value]) else: x, y = np.append(x, t), np.append(y, value) curve.setData(x, y) def _magnitude(self, data): """ little helpers """ return 20. * np.log10(np.abs(data) + sys.float_info.epsilon) def _phase(self, data): """ little helpers """ return np.angle(data, deg=True)
[docs]class DataAttributeWidget(PlotAttributeWidget): """ Plots a curve (complex or real), with an array as input. """ def _make_widget(self): self.widget = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Curve") self.plot_item = self.widget.addPlot(title="Curve") self.plot_item_phase = self.widget.addPlot(row=1, col=0, title="Phase (deg)") self.plot_item_phase.setXLink(self.plot_item) self.plot_item.showGrid(y=True, alpha=1.) self.plot_item_phase.showGrid(y=True, alpha=1.) self.curve = self.plot_item.plot(pen='g') self.curve_phase = self.plot_item_phase.plot(pen='g') self._is_real = True self._set_real(True) #def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): # data = new_value # if data is None: # return # shape = np.shape(new_value) # if len(shape)>2: # raise ValueError("Shape of data should be (1) or (2, 1)") # if len(shape)==1: # x = np.linspace(0, len(data), len(data)) # y = [data] # if len(shape)==2: # if shape[0] == 1: # x = np.linspace(0, len(data), len(data[0])) # y = [data[0]] # if shape[0] >= 2: # x = data[0] # y = data[1:] # self._set_real(np.isreal(y).all()) # for i, values in enumerate(y): # self._display_curve_index(x, values, i) # while (i + 1 < len(self.curves)): # delete remaining curves # i += 1 # self.curves[i].hide() #def _display_curve_index(self, x, values, i): # y_mag = values if self._is_real else self._magnitude(values) # y_phase = np.zeros(len(values)) if self._is_real else \ # self._phase(values) # if len(self.curves)<=i: # color = self._defaultcolors[i%len(self._defaultcolors)] # self.curves.append(self.plot_item.plot(pen=color)) # self.curves_phase.append(self.plot_item_phase.plot(pen=color)) # self.curves[i].setData(x, y_mag) # self.curves_phase[i].setData(x, y_phase) def _set_real(self, bool): self._is_real = bool if bool: self.plot_item_phase.hide() self.plot_item.setTitle("") else: self.plot_item.setTitle("Magnitude (dB)")
[docs]class CurveAttributeWidget(DataAttributeWidget): """ Plots a curve (complex or real), with an id number as input. """
[docs] def get_xy_data(self, new_value): """ helper function to extract xy data from a curve object""" if new_value is None: return None, None, None try: data = getattr(self.module, '_' + self.attribute_name + '_object').data name = getattr( self.module, '_' + self.attribute_name + '_object').params['name'] except: return None, None, None else: x, y = data return x, y, name
def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): x, y, name = self.get_xy_data(new_value) if x is not None: if not np.isreal(y).all(): self.curve.setData(x, self._magnitude(y)) self.curve_phase.setData(x, self._phase(y)) self.plot_item.setTitle(name + " - Magnitude (dB)") else: self.curve.setData(x, np.real(y)) self.plot_item_phase.hide() self.plot_item.setTitle(name)
[docs]class CurveSelectAttributeWidget(SelectAttributeWidget): """ Select one or many curves. """ def _make_widget(self): """ Sets up the widget (here a QComboBox) :return: """ self.widget = QtWidgets.QListWidget() self.widget.addItems(self.options) self.widget.currentItemChanged.connect(self.write_widget_value_to_attribute) def _get_widget_value(self): return int(self.widget.currentItem().text()) def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): """ should be much simpler here. all this logic should be in the attribute """ if new_value is None: new_value = -1 if hasattr(new_value, 'pk'): new_value = try: index = self.options.index(str(new_value)) except IndexError: self.module._logger.warning("SelectWidget %s could not find " "current value %s in the options %s", self.attribute_name, self.new_value, self.options) index = 0 self.widget.setCurrentRow(index)