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Source code for pyrpl.test.test_hardware_modules.test_scope

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
import time
import numpy as np
from pyrpl.async_utils import sleep as async_sleep
from qtpy import QtCore, QtWidgets
from pyrpl.test.test_base import TestPyrpl
from pyrpl import APP
from pyrpl.curvedb import CurveDB

[docs]class TestScope(TestPyrpl): """ Be carreful to stop the scope at the end of each test!!! """ # somehow the file seems to suffer from other nosetests, so pick an # individual name for this test: # tmp_config_file = "nosetests_config_scope.yml"
[docs] def test_scope_stopped_at_startup(self): """ This was so hard to detect, I am making a unit test """ assert(self.r.scope.running_state=='stopped')
[docs] def data_changing(self): async_sleep(0.1) APP.processEvents() if self.r.scope.data_avg is not None: data = self.r.scope.data_avg[0] else: data = None async_sleep(0.75) for i in range(1000): APP.processEvents() async_sleep(0.1) if self.r.scope.data_avg is not None: res = self.r.scope.data_avg[0] else: res = None if data is None: return res is not None return ((data != res)[~np.isnan(data)]).any()
[docs] def test_scope_rolling_mode_and_running_state_update(self): """ makes sure scope rolling_mode and running states are correctly setup when something is changed """ self.r.asg1.frequency = 0 self.r.asg1.trigger_source = 'immediately' self.r.scope.setup_attributes = dict(duration=0.5, trigger_source='asg1', trigger_delay=0., rolling_mode=True, running_state="running_continuous", input1='in1', ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True) self.r.scope.continuous() assert self.data_changing() # rolling mode should be active self.r.scope.save_state("running_roll") self.r.scope.duration = 0.001 # rolling mode inactive for durations < 0.1 s assert not self.data_changing() async_sleep(0.5) self.r.scope.duration = 0.5 assert self.data_changing() self.r.scope.rolling_mode = False self.r.scope.duration = 0.2 self.r.scope.save_state("running_triggered") assert not self.data_changing() self.r.asg1.frequency = 1e5 assert self.data_changing() self.r.scope.stop() self.r.scope.save_state("stop") assert not self.data_changing() self.r.scope.load_state("running_roll") assert self.data_changing() async_sleep(1) # Make sure scope is not blocked after one buffer loop assert self.data_changing() self.r.scope.stop() self.r.scope.load_state("running_triggered") assert self.data_changing() self.r.scope.load_state("stop") assert not self.data_changing() self.r.scope.stop()
[docs] def test_setup_rolling_mode(self): """ recalling a state with rolling mode should work. """ ### Careful, setup(...) wont (see comment at the end of scop._setup) self.r.scope.setup_attributes = dict(duration=0.5, trigger_delay=0., input1='in1', ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True, rolling_mode=True, running_state='running_continuous') assert self.data_changing() async_sleep(1) assert self.data_changing() # Make sure scope is not blocked # after one buffer loop self.r.scope.stop()
[docs] def test_scope_slave_free(self): """ Make sure the scope returns to rolling mode after being freed """ self.pyrpl.rp.scope.setup(duration=0.5, trigger_delay=0., trigger_source='immediately', input1='in1', ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True, rolling_mode=True, running_state="running_continuous") with self.pyrpl.scopes.pop("myapplication") as sco: sco.setup(duration=0.5, trigger_delay=0., trigger_source='immediately', input1='in1', ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True, rolling_mode=False, running_state="stopped") assert not self.data_changing() curve = sco.curve() assert self.data_changing() async_sleep(1) assert self.data_changing() # Make sure scope is not blocked # after one buffer loop self.pyrpl.rp.scope.stop()
[docs] def test_no_write_in_config(self): """ Make sure the scope isn't continuously writing to config file, even in running mode. """ # check whether something else is writing continuously to config file self.pyrpl.rp.scope.stop() async_sleep(1.0) old = self.pyrpl.c._save_counter async_sleep(1.0) new = self.pyrpl.c._save_counter assert (old == new), (old, new, "scope is not the reason") # next, check whether the scope does this for rolling_mode in (True, False): self.pyrpl.rp.scope.setup(duration=0.005, trigger_delay=0., input1='in1', ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True, rolling_mode=True, trace_average=1, running_state="running_continuous") old = self.pyrpl.c._save_counter async_sleep(1.0) APP.processEvents() new = self.pyrpl.c._save_counter self.pyrpl.rp.scope.stop() assert(old==new), (old, new, "scope is the problem", rolling_mode)
[docs] def test_save_curve_old(self): self.r.scope.setup(duration=0.01, trigger_source='immediately', trigger_delay=0., rolling_mode=True, input1='in1', ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True) self.r.scope.single() time.sleep(0.1) APP.processEvents() curve1, curve2 = self.r.scope.save_curve() attr = self.r.scope.setup_attributes for curve in (curve1, curve2): intersect = set(curve.params.keys()) & set(attr) assert len(intersect) >= 5 # make sure some parameters are saved p1 = dict((k, curve.params[k]) for k in intersect) p2 = dict((k, attr[k]) for k in intersect) assert p1 == p2 # make sure those parameters are equal to the # setup_attributes of the scope self.curves += [curve1, curve2] # for later deletion
[docs] def test_save_curve(self): self.pyrpl.rp.scope.stop() self.pyrpl.rp.scope.setup(duration=0.005, trigger_delay=0., input1='in1', ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True, rolling_mode=True, trace_average=1, running_state="stopped") self.pyrpl.rp.scope.single() curves = self.pyrpl.rp.scope.save_curve() for i in range(2): for j in range(2): assert len(curves[i].data[j]) == self.pyrpl.rp.scope.data_length self.curves += curves # makes sure teardown will delete the curves