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Source code for pyrpl.software_modules.lockbox.models.custom_lockbox_example

# these imports are the standard imports for required for derived lockboxes
from pyrpl.software_modules.lockbox import *
from pyrpl.software_modules.loop import *

# Any InputSignal must define a class that contains the function "expected_signal(variable)" that returns the expected
# signal value as a function of the variable value. This function ensures that the correct setpoint and a reasonable
# gain is chosen (from the derivative of expected_signal) when this signal is used for feedback.
[docs]class CustomInputClass(InputSignal): """ A custom input signal for our customized lockbox. Please refer to the documentation on the default API of InputSignals"""
[docs] def expected_signal(self, variable): # For example, assume that our analog signal is proportional to the square of the variable return self.calibration_data.min + self.custom_gain_attribute * self.lockbox.custom_attribute * variable**2
# If possible, you should explicitely define the derivative of expected_signal(variable). Otherwise, the derivative # is estimated numerically which might lead to inaccuracies and excess delay.
[docs] def expected_slope(self, variable): return 2.0 * self.custom_gain_attribute * self.lockbox.custom_attribute * variable
# Signals can have their specific attributes, including gui support. # Please refer to the Lockbox example for more explanations on this. _setup_attributes = ["custom_gain_attribute"] _gui_attributes = ["custom_gain_attribute"] custom_gain_attribute = FloatProperty(default=1.0, min=-1e10, max=1e10, increment=0.01, doc="custom factor for each input signal") # A customized calibration method can be used to implement custom calibrations. The calibration method of the # InputSignal class retrieves min, max, mean, rms of the input signal during a sweep and saves them as class # attributes, such that they can be used by expected_signal().
[docs] def calibrate(self): """ This is a simplified calibration method. InputSignal.calibrate works better than this in most cases. """ self.lockbox.sweep() # get a curve of the signal during the sweep curve = self.sweep_acquire() # fill self.mean, min, max, rms with values from acquired curve. self.get_stats_from_curve(curve=curve)
[docs]class CustomLockbox(Lockbox): """ A custom lockbox class that can be used to implement customized feedback controllers""" # this syntax for the definition of inputs and outputs allows to conveniently access inputs in the API inputs = LockboxModuleDictProperty(custom_input_name1=CustomInputClass, custom_input_name2=CustomInputClass) outputs = LockboxModuleDictProperty(slow_output=OutputSignal, fast_output=OutputSignal, pwm_output=OutputSignal) # the name of the variable to be stabilized to a setpoint. inputs.expected_signal(variable) returns the expected # signal as a function of this variable variable = 'displacement' # attributes are defined by descriptors custom_attribute = FloatProperty(default=1.0, increment=0.01, min=1e-5, max=1e5) # list of attributes that are mandatory to define lockbox state. setup_attributes of all base classes and of all # submodules are automatically added to the list by the metaclass of Module _setup_attributes = ["custom_attribute"] # attributes that are displayed in the gui. _gui_attributes from base classes are also added. _gui_attributes = ["custom_attribute"] # if nonstandard units are to be used to specify the gain of the outputs, their conversion to Volts must be defined # by a property called _unitname_per_V _mV_per_V = 1000.0 _units = ["V", "mV"] # overwrite any lockbox functions here or add new ones
[docs] def custom_function(self): self.calibrate_all() self.unlock() self.lock()
# in #class ExampleLoop(LockboxPlotLoop): # def loop(self): # self.plot.append(green=np.sin(time()), red=np.cos(time()))
[docs]class ExampleLoop(LockboxPlotLoop): # or inherit from def __init__(self, parent, name=None): super(ExampleLoop, self).__init__(parent, name=name) self.c.n = 0 self.last_texcess = 0 self.result_ready = "not ready"
[docs] def loop(self): # attention: self.time() is FPGA time, time() is plot-relevant time self.c.n += 1 tact = time() - self.plot.plot_start_time tmin = self.interval * self.c.n texcess = tact - tmin dt = texcess - self.last_texcess self.last_texcess = texcess self.plot.append(green=np.sin(2.0*np.pi*tact*3), #/self.lockbox.interval), red=dt) if self.c.n == 100: self.result = 42 self.result_ready = True self._clear()
[docs]class ExampleLoopLockbox(Lockbox): loop = None _gui_attributes = ["start", "stop", "interval"] interval = FloatProperty(default=0.01, min=0)
[docs] def start(self): self.stop() self.loop = ExampleLoop(parent=self, name="example_loop", interval=self.interval)
[docs] def stop(self): if self.loop is not None: self.loop._clear() self.loop = None
[docs]class GalvanicIsolationLoopLockbox(Lockbox): """ an example for a loop fully described in the lockbox class definition""" _gui_attributes = ["start_gi", "stop_gi", "gi_interval"] gi_interval = FloatProperty(default=0.05, min=0, max=1e10, doc="Minimum interval at which the loop updates the second redpitaya output")
[docs] def start_gi(self): self.stop_gi() # start second redpitaya if not hasattr(self, 'second_pyrpl') or self.second_pyrpl is None: from pyrpl import Pyrpl self.second_pyrpl = Pyrpl("second_redpitaya", hostname="_FAKE_REDPITAYA_") # start loop self.galvanic_isolation_loop = LockboxLoop(parent=self, name="galvanic_isolation_loop", interval=self.gi_interval, loop_function=self.galvanic_isolation_loop_function)
[docs] def galvanic_isolation_loop_function(self): """ the loop function to be executed""" # read an output value from this lockbox and set it as the output of the second redpitaya self.second_pyrpl.rp.asg0.offset = self.pyrpl.rp.sampler.pid0
# only for debugging: # self.second_pyrpl.rp.asg0.offset = np.sin(2 * np.pi * time() - self.galvanic_isolation_loop.loop_start_time)
[docs] def stop_gi(self): if hasattr(self, 'galvanic_isolation_loop') and self.galvanic_isolation_loop is not None: self.galvanic_isolation_loop._clear() self.galvanic_isolation_loop = None
[docs]class ShortLoopLockbox(Lockbox): """ an example for very short loop description"""
[docs] def plot_sin_and_in1(lockbox_self, loop_self): """ if you pass an instance_method of the lockbox, it should take two arguments: the instance of the lockbox (self) and the instance of the loop""" loop_self.plot.append(green=np.sin(2*np.pi*loop_self.time), red=lockbox_self.pyrpl.rp.sampler.in1) if loop_self.n > 100: # auto-stop after 1000 cycles loop_self._clear()
loop = ModuleProperty(LockboxPlotLoop, interval=0.05, autostart=True, loop_function=plot_sin_and_in1)