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Source code for pyrpl.redpitaya_client

#    pyrpl - DSP servo controller for quantum optics with the RedPitaya
#    Copyright (C) 2014-2016  Leonhard Neuhaus  (
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import socket
import logging
    from pysine import sine  # for debugging read/write calls
[docs] def sine(frequency, duration): print("Called sine(frequency=%f, duration=%f)" % (frequency, duration))
from .hardware_modules.dsp import dsp_addr_base, DSP_INPUTS from .pyrpl_utils import time # global conter to assign a number to each client # only used for debugging purposes CLIENT_NUMBER = 0
[docs]class MonitorClient(object): def __init__(self, hostname="", port=2222, restartserver=None): """initiates a client connected to monitor_server hostname: server address, e.g. "localhost" or "" port: the port that the server is running on. 2222 by default restartserver: a function to call that restarts the server in case of problems """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__) # update global client counter and assign a number to this client global CLIENT_NUMBER CLIENT_NUMBER += 1 self.client_number = CLIENT_NUMBER self.logger.debug("Client number %s started", self.client_number) # start setting up client self._restartserver = restartserver self._hostname = hostname self._port = port self._read_counter = 0 # For debugging and unittests self._write_counter = 0 # For debugging and unittests self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # try to connect at least 5 times for i in range(5): if not self._port > 0: if self._port is None: # likely means that _restartserver failed. raise ValueError("Connection to hostname %s failed. " "Please check your connection parameters!" % (self._hostname)) else: raise ValueError("Trying to open MonitorClient for " "hostname %s on invalid port %s. Please " "check your connection parameters!" % (self._hostname, self._port)) try: self.socket.connect((self._hostname, self._port)) except socket.error: # mostly because port is still closed self.logger.warning("Socket error during connection " "attempt %s.", i) # could try a different port here by putting port=-1 self._port = self._restartserver() else: break self.socket.settimeout(1.0) # 1 second timeout for socket operations
[docs] def close(self): try: self.socket.send( b'c' + bytes(bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))) self.socket.close() except socket.error: return
def __del__(self): self.close() # the public methods to use which will recover from connection problems
[docs] def reads(self, addr, length): self._read_counter+=1 if hasattr(self, '_sound_debug') and self._sound_debug: sine(440, 0.05) return self.try_n_times(self._reads, addr, length)
[docs] def writes(self, addr, values): self._write_counter += 1 if hasattr(self, '_sound_debug') and self._sound_debug: sine(880, 0.05) return self.try_n_times(self._writes, addr, values)
# the actual code def _reads(self, addr, length): if length > 65535: length = 65535 self.logger.warning("Maximum read-length is %d", length) header = b'r' + bytes(bytearray([0, length & 0xFF, (length >> 8) & 0xFF, addr & 0xFF, (addr >> 8) & 0xFF, (addr >> 16) & 0xFF, (addr >> 24) & 0xFF])) self.socket.send(header) data = self.socket.recv(length * 4 + 8) while (len(data) < length * 4 + 8): data += self.socket.recv(length * 4 - len(data) + 8) if data[:8] == header: # check for in-sync transmission return np.frombuffer(data[8:], dtype=np.uint32) else: # error handling self.logger.error("Wrong control sequence from server: %s", data[:8]) self.emptybuffer() return None def _writes(self, addr, values): values = values[:65535 - 2] length = len(values) header = b'w' + bytes(bytearray([0, length & 0xFF, (length >> 8) & 0xFF, addr & 0xFF, (addr >> 8) & 0xFF, (addr >> 16) & 0xFF, (addr >> 24) & 0xFF])) # send header+body self.socket.send(header + np.array(values, dtype=np.uint32).tobytes()) if self.socket.recv(8) == header: # check for in-sync transmission return True # indicate successful write else: # error handling self.logger.error("Error: wrong control sequence from server") self.emptybuffer() return None
[docs] def emptybuffer(self): for i in range(100): n = len(self.socket.recv(16384)) if (n <= 0): return self.logger.debug("Read %d bytes from socket...", n)
[docs] def try_n_times(self, function, addr, value, n=5): for i in range(n): try: value = function(addr, value) except (socket.timeout, socket.error): self.logger.error("Error occured in reading attempt %s. " "Reconnecting at addr %s to %s value %s by " "client %s" % (i, hex(addr), function.__name__, value, self.client_number)) if self._restartserver is not None: self.restart() else: if value is not None: return value
[docs] def restart(self): self.close() port = self._restartserver() self.__init__( hostname=self._hostname, port=port, restartserver=self._restartserver)
[docs]class DummyClient(object): # pragma: no cover """Class for unitary tests without RedPitaya hardware available"""
[docs] class fpgadict(dict): def __missing__(self, key): return 1 # 0 (1 is needed to avoid division_by_zero errors for some registers)
fpgamemory = fpgadict({str(0x40100014): 1}) # scope decimation initial value
[docs] def read_fpgamemory(self, addr): # here we implement a fraction of the memory map to simulate the actual redpitaya # scope offset = addr - 0x40100000 # scope curve buffer if offset >= 0x10000 and offset < 0x30000: v = int(np.random.normal(scale=2**13 - 1))//4 if v > 2**13-1: v = 2*13-1 elif v < -(2**13-1): v = -(2**13-1) if v < 0: v += 2**14 return v # scope control register - trigger armed, trigger source etc. if offset == 0: return 0 if offset == 0x15C: # current_timestamp lv part t = int(time()*125e6) return t % (2**32) if offset == 0x160: # current_timestamp mv part return 0 t = int(time()*125e6) return t - (t % (2**32)) if offset == 0x164: # trigger_timestamp lv part return 0 if offset == 0x168: # trigger_timestamp mv part return 0 #DSP modules all = DSP_INPUTS for module in DSP_INPUTS: offset = addr - dsp_addr_base(module) if module.startswith('pid'): if offset == 0x220: # FILTERSTAGES return 4 elif offset == 0x228: # MINBW return 1 elif module.startswith('iir'): if offset == 0x200: # IIRBITS return 64 elif offset == 0x204: # IIRSHIFT return 32 elif offset == 0x208: # IIRSTAGES return 16 elif offset == 0x220: # filterstages return 1 elif offset == 0x108: # overflow return 0 elif module.startswith('iq'): if offset == 0x220: # filterstages return 1 # rbw filter register elif offset == 0x230: # filterstages = 0x230 return 2 elif offset == 0x234: # shiftbits = 0x234 return 2 elif offset == 0x238: # minbw = 0x238 return 1 for filter_module in ['iq', 'pid', 'iir']: if module.startswith(filter_module): if offset == 0x220: # filterstages return 1 elif offset == 0x224: # shiftbits return 2 elif offset == 0x228: # minbw return 1 # everything else is restored from the dict return self.fpgamemory[str(addr)]
[docs] def reads(self, addr, length): val = [] for i in range(length): val.append(self.read_fpgamemory(addr+0x4*i)) return np.array(val, dtype=np.uint32)
[docs] def writes(self, addr, values): # pragma: no-cover for i, v in enumerate(values): self.fpgamemory[str(addr+0x4*i)]=v
[docs] def restart(self): pass
[docs] def close(self): pass