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Source code for pyrpl.hardware_modules.iir.iir_theory

#    pyrpl - DSP servo controller for quantum optics with the RedPitaya
#    Copyright (C) 2014-2016  Leonhard Neuhaus  (
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import scipy.signal as sig
import numpy as np
import logging
from ...errors import ExpectedPyrplError

logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

# this is not strictly needed
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# this one is essentially a copy-paste from scipy 18 for being compatible with
# lower versions of scipy
[docs]def sos2zpk(sos): """ Return zeros, poles, and gain of a series of second-order sections Parameters ---------- sos : array_like Array of second-order filter coefficients, must have shape ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format specification. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transfer function. k : float System gain. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 """ sos = np.asarray(sos) n_sections = sos.shape[0] z = np.empty(n_sections*2, np.complex128) p = np.empty(n_sections*2, np.complex128) k = 1. for section in range(n_sections): b, a = sos[section, :3], sos[section, 3:] # remove leading zeros from numerator to avoid badcoefficient warning in scipy.signal.normaize while b[0] == 0: b = b[1:] # convert to transfer function zpk = sig.tf2zpk(b, a) z[2*section:2*(section+1)] = zpk[0] p[2*section:2*(section+1)] = zpk[1] k *= zpk[2] return z, p, k
# functions of general use
[docs]def freqs(sys, w): """ This function computes the frequency response of a zpk system at an array of frequencies. It loosely mimicks 'scipy.signal.freqs'. Parameters ---------- system: (zeros, poles, k) zeros and poles both in rad/s, k is the actual coefficient, not DC gain w: np.array frequencies in rad/s Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) with the response """ z, p, k = sys s = np.array(w, dtype=np.complex128) * 1j h = np.full(len(s), k, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(max([len(z), len(p)])): # do multiplication and division alternatingly to avoid the unlikely # event of numerical overflow try: h *= s - z[i] except IndexError: pass try: h /= s - p[i] except IndexError: pass return h
[docs]def freqs_rp(r, p, c, w): """ same as freqs, but takes a list of residues and poles""" h = np.full(len(w), c, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(len(p)): h += freqs(([], [p[i]], r[i]), w) return h
# this one is not tested, so probably not working satisfactorily
[docs]def freqz_(sys, w, dt=8e-9): """ This function computes the frequency response of a zpk system at an array of frequencies. It loosely mimicks 'scipy.signal.frequresp'. Parameters ---------- system: (zeros, poles, k) zeros and poles both in rad/s, k is the actual coefficient, not DC gain w: np.array frequencies in rad/s dt: sampling time Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) with the response """ z, p, k = sys b, a = sig.zpk2tf(z, p, k) _, h = sig.freqz(b, a, worN=w*dt) return h
[docs]def residues(z, p, k): """ this function uses the residue method (Heaviside Cover-up method) to perform the partial fraction expansion of a rational function defined by zeros, poles and a prefactor k. No intermediate conversion into a polynome is performed, which makes this function less prone to finite precision issues. In the current version, no pole value may occur twice and the number of poles must be strictly greater than the number of zeros. Returns ------- np.array(dtype=np.complex128) containing the numerator array a of the expansion product_i( s - z[i] ) a[j] k ------------------------- = sum_j ( ---------- ) product_j( s - p[j] ) s - p[j] """ # first we should ensure that there are no double poles if len(np.unique(p)) < len(p): raise ValueError("residues() received a list of poles where some " "values appear twice. This cannot be implemented " "at the time being.") # next we split off a constant term if applicable if len(p) > len(z): # strictly proper c = 0 elif len(p) == len(z): # proper c = k else: raise ValueError("Specified transfer function is not proper! ") # so the initial polynom H becomes # H = N/Q = k*Q/Q + P/Q, where degree(P) < degree(Q) # to find P from N, we have # H = N/Q = (k*Q+P)/Q, thus # P = N - k*Q # the kQ part will be zero at all pole locations, thus can be dropped here # without problems # # actually doing the math (or checking wikipedia) reveals a simple formula # for a[i] that is implemented here: # # # Say the original fraction can be written as P(s) / Q(s), where # P is the polynome of zeros, including the prefactor k, and Q the # polynome of poles. Then # a[i] = P(p[i])/Q'([p[i]). Furthermore, Q'(p[i]) is the value of the # polynome Q without the factor that contains p[i]. a = np.full(len(p), k, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(len(a)): for j in range(len(p)): # do multiplication and division alternatingly to avoid the unlikely # event of numerical overflow try: a[i] *= p[i] - z[j] except IndexError: pass if i != j: a[i] /= p[i] - p[j] return a, c
[docs]def cont2discrete(r, p, c, dt=8e-9): """ Transforms residue and pole from continuous to discrete time Parameters ---------- r: residues p: poles dt: sampling time Returns ------- (r, p) with the transformation applied """ r = np.asarray(r, dtype=np.complex128) * dt p = np.exp(np.asarray(p, dtype=np.complex128) * dt) return r, p, c
[docs]def discrete2cont(r, p, c, dt=8e-9): """ Transforms residues and poles from discrete time to continuous Parameters ---------- r: residues p: poles c: constant term to be carried along dt: sampling time (s) Returns ------- r, p with the transformation applied """ r = np.array(r, dtype=np.complex128) / dt p = np.log(np.array(p, dtype=np.complex128)) / dt return r, p, c
[docs]def bodeplot(data, xlog=False): """ plots a bode plot of the data x, y parameters ----------------- data: a list of tuples (f, tf[, label]) where f are frequencies and tf complex transfer data, and label the label for data xlog: sets xaxis to logscale figure: """ try: ax1 = plt.subplot(211) except: raise ExpectedPyrplError("No installation of matplotlib found. " "Please install matplotlib in order to use " "this feature.") if len(data[0]) == 3: # unpack the labels from data newdata = [] labels = [] for (f, tf, label) in data: newdata.append((f, tf)) labels.append(label) data = newdata for i, (f, tf) in enumerate(data): if len(labels) > i: label = labels[i] else: label = "" ax1.plot(f, np.log10(np.abs(tf)) * 20, label=label) if xlog: ax1.set_xscale('log') ax1.set_ylabel('Magnitude [dB]') ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) for i, (f, tf) in enumerate(data): ax2.plot(f, np.angle(tf, deg=True)) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase [deg]') plt.tight_layout() if len(labels) > 0: leg = ax1.legend(loc='best', framealpha=0.5) leg.draggable(state=True)
[docs]class IirFilter(object): """ Computes coefficients and predicts transfer functions of an IIR filter. Parameters ---------- sys: (zeros, poles, gain) zeros: list of complex zeros poles: list of complex poles gain: DC-gain zeros/poles with nonzero imaginary part should come in complex conjugate pairs, otherwise the conjugate zero/pole will automatically be added. After this, the number of poles should exceed the number of zeros at least by one, otherwise a real pole near the Nyquist frequency will automatically be added until there are more poles than zeros. loops: int or None the number of FPGA cycles per filter sample. None tries to automatically find the value leading to the highest possible sampling frequency. If the numerical precision of the filter coefficients in the FPGA is the limiting, manually setting a higher value of loops may improve the filter performance. dt: float the FPGA clock frequency. Should be very close to 8e-9 minoops: int minimum number of loops (constant of the FPGA design) maxloops: int maximum number of loops (constant of the FPGA design) tol: float tolerancee for matching conjugate pole/zero pairs. 1e-3 is okay. intermediatereturn: str or None if set to a valid option, the algorithm will stop at the specified step and return an intermediate result for debugging. Valid options are Returns ------- coefficients coefficients is an array of float arrays of length six, which hold the filter coefficients to be passed directly to the iir module :py:attr:`IirFilter.loops` of the :py:class:`IirFilter` instance is automatically corrected to a number of loops compatible with the implemented design. """ def __init__(self, zeros, poles, gain, loops=None, dt=8e-9, minloops=4, maxloops=1023, iirstages=16, totalbits=32, shiftbits=29, tol=1e-3, frequencies=None, inputfilter=0, moduledelay=5): self._sys = zeros, poles, gain self.loops = loops self.dt = dt self.minloops = minloops self.maxloops = maxloops self.iirstages = iirstages self.totalbits = totalbits self.shiftbits = shiftbits self.tol = tol if frequencies is not None: self._frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies, dtype=np.complex128) if inputfilter is None: self.inputfilter = 0 else: self.inputfilter = inputfilter self.moduledelay = moduledelay _ = self.coefficients # compute coefficients immediately @property def sys(self): return self._sys @sys.setter def sys(self, v): # it is easiest to just create a new object when the specification # has changed z, p, g = v self.__init__(z, p, g, loops=self.loops, dt=self.dt, minloops=self.minloops, maxloops=self.maxloops, iirstages=self.iirstages, totalbits=self.totalbits, shiftbits=self.shiftbits, tol=self.tol, frequencies=self.frequencies, inputfilter=self.inputfilter, moduledelay=self.moduledelay) logger.warning("Setter of sys will soone be deprecated. Create a new " "instance of 'IirFilter' instead! ") @property def coefficients(self): """ Computes and returns the coefficients of the IIR filter set by :py:attr:`IirFilter.sys`. Parameters ---------- sys: (zeros, poles, gain) zeros: list of complex zeros poles: list of complex poles gain: DC-gain zeros/poles with nonzero imaginary part should come in complex conjugate pairs, otherwise the conjugate zero/pole will automatically be added. After this, the number of poles should exceed the number of zeros at least by one, otherwise a real pole near the nyquist frequency will automatically be added until there are more poles than zeros. loops: int or None the number of FPGA cycles per filter sample. None tries to automatically find the value leading to the highest possible sampling frequency. If the numerical precision of the filter coefficients in the FPGA is the limiting, manually setting a higher value of loops may improve the filter performance. dt: float the FPGA clock frequency. Should be very close to 8e-9 minoops: int minimum number of loops (constant of the FPGA design) maxloops: int maximum number of loops (constant of the FPGA design) tol: float tolerancee for matching conjugate pole/zero pairs. 1e-3 is okay. intermediatereturn: str or None if set to a valid option, the algorithm will stop at the specified step and return an intermediate result for debugging. Valid options are Returns ------- coefficients coefficients is an array of float arrays of length six, which hold the filter coefficients to be passed directly to the iir module :py:attr:`IirFilter.loops` of the :py:class:`IirFilter` instance is automatically corrected to a number of loops compatible with the implemented design. """ if hasattr(self, '_coefficients'): return self._coefficients # clean the filter specification so we can work with it and find the # right number of loops zeros, poles, gain = self.proper_sys # this isnt really necessary as rescaled_sys will call proper_sys # get factor in front of ratio of zeros and poles # scale to angular frequencies z, p, k = self.rescaled_sys # 'tf_continuous' # pre-account for frequency distortion of bilinear transformation # - this step is obsolete in the current algorithm # if prewarp: # z, p = prewarp(z, p, dt=loops * dt) # perform the partial fraction expansion to get first order sections r, c = residues(z, p, k) self.rp_continuous = r, p, c # 'tf_partialfraction' # transform to discrete time rd, pd, cd = cont2discrete(r, p, c, dt=self.dt * self.loops) self.rp_discrete = rd, pd, cd # 'tf_discrete' # convert (r, p) into biquad coefficients coefficients = self.rp2coefficients(rd, pd, cd, tol=self.tol) # rearrange second order sections for minimum delay coefficients = self.minimize_delay(coefficients) # 'tf_implemented_perfect' self._coefficients = coefficients _ = self.finiteprecision() # 'tf_implemented' return coefficients @property def proper_sys(self): """ Makes sure that a system is strictly proper and that all complex poles/zeros have conjugate parters. Parameters ---------- zeros: list of zeros poles: list of poles loops: number of loops to implement. Can be None for autodetection. minloops: minimum number of loops that is acceptable maxloops: minimum number of loops that is acceptable iirstages: number of biquads available for implementation tol: tolerance for matching complex conjugate partners Returns ------- (zeros, poles, minloops) - the corrected lists of poles/zeros and the number of loops that are minimally needed for implementation """ if hasattr(self, '_proper_sys'): return self._proper_sys zeros, poles, gain = self.sys loops = self.loops minloops, maxloops, iirstages, tol = self.minloops, self.maxloops, \ self.iirstages, self.tol # part 1: make sure each complex pole/zero has a conjugate partner results = [] looplist = [] # count at the same time how many biquads are needed for data in [zeros, poles]: actloops = 0 data = list(data) # make a copy of the original data gooddata = [] while data: datum = data.pop() gooddata.append(datum) if np.imag(datum) == 0: # real pole/zero -> needs half a biquad actloops += 0.5 else: actloops += 1 # find conjugate partner found = False for candidate in data: if np.abs(np.conjugate(datum) - candidate) < tol: # conjugate partner found - remove it from original # list and add it to the gooddata.append(data.pop(data.index(candidate))) found = True break if not found: logger.debug("Pole/zero %s had no complex conjugate " "partner. It was added automatically.", datum) gooddata.append(np.conjugate(datum)) # attention to an issue here: Often # datum != np.conjugate(np.conjugate(datum)) # therefore we should consider replacing the original pole # by its double conjugate to have matched pairs (the # error only appears in the first conjugation) # overwrite original data with the corrected one results.append(gooddata) looplist.append(actloops) zeros, poles = results[0], results[1] # get the number of loops after anticipated pole addition (see part 2) actloops = looplist[1] # only need to reason w.r.t. poles if len(zeros) - len(poles) >= 0: # add half a biquad per excess zero actloops += (len(zeros) - len(poles) + 1) * 0.5 # each pair of poles needs one biquad actloops = int(np.ceil(actloops)) if actloops > iirstages: raise Exception("Error: desired filter order is too high to " "be implemented.") if actloops < minloops: actloops = minloops # actloops now contains the necessary number of loops if loops is None: loops = actloops elif loops < actloops: logger.warning("Cannot implement filter with %s loops. " "Minimum of %s is needed! ", loops, actloops) loops = actloops if loops > maxloops:"Maximum loops number is %s. This value " "will be tried instead of specified value " "%s.", maxloops, loops) loops = maxloops # part 2: make sure the transfer function is strictly proper # if we must add a pole, place it at the nyquist frequency extrapole = -125e6 / loops / 2 while len(zeros) > len(poles): poles.append(extrapole) logger.debug("Specified IIR transfer function was not " "proper. Automatically added a pole at %s Hz.", extrapole) # if more poles must be added, make sure we have no 2 poles at the # same frequency extrapole /= 2 self.loops = loops self._proper_sys = (zeros, poles, gain) return self._proper_sys @property def rescaled_sys(self): """ rescales poles and zeros with 2pi and returns the prefactor corresponding to dc-gain gain""" if hasattr(self, '_rescaled_sys'): return self._rescaled_sys zeros, poles, gain = self.proper_sys zeros = [zz * 2 * np.pi for zz in zeros] poles = [pp * 2 * np.pi for pp in poles] k = gain for pp in poles: if pp != 0: k *= np.abs(pp) for zz in zeros: if zz != 0: k /= np.abs(zz) self._rescaled_sys = zeros, poles, k return self._rescaled_sys
[docs] def prewarp(self, z, p, dt=8e-9): """ prewarps frequencies in order to correct warping effect in discrete time conversion """ def timedilatation(w): """ accounts for effective time dilatation due to warping effect """ if np.imag(w) == 0: w = np.abs(w) # return 1.0 # do not prewarp real poles/zeros else: w = np.abs(np.imag(w)) if w == 0: return 1.0 else: correction = np.tan(w / 2 * dt) / w * 2.0 / dt if correction <= 0: logger.warning("Negative correction factor %s obtained " "during prewarp for frequency %s. " "Setting correction factor to 1!", correction, w / 2 / np.pi) return 1.0 elif correction > 2.0: logger.warning("Correction factor %s > 2 obtained" "during prewarp for frequency %s. " "Setting correction factor to 1 but this " "seems wrong!", correction, w / 2 / np.pi) return 1.0 else: return correction # apply timedilatation() to all zeros and poles zc = list(z) # make copies pc = list(p) for x in [zc, pc]: for i in range(len(x)): correction = timedilatation(x[i]) logger.debug("Warp correction of %s at frequency %s " "automatically applied.", correction, x[i] / 2 / np.pi) x[i] *= correction return zc, pc
[docs] def rp2coefficients(self, r, p, c, tol=0): """ Pairs residues and corresponding poles into second order sections. Parameters ---------- r: array with numerator coefficient p: array with poles tol: tolerance for combining complex conjugate pairs. Returns ------- coefficients: array((N, 6), dtype=np.float64) where N is number of biquads """ N = int(np.ceil(float(len(p)) / 2.0)) # needed biquads if c != 0: N += 1 if N == 0: logger.warning( "Warning: No poles or zeros defined. Filter will be " "turned off!") coefficients = np.zeros((1, 6), dtype=np.float64) coefficients[0, 0] = 0 coefficients[:, 3] = 1.0 return coefficients # prepare coefficient array coefficients = np.zeros((N, 6), dtype=np.float64) coefficients[0, 0] = 0 coefficients[:, 3] = 1.0 # make lists rc = list(r) pc = list(p) # separate poles and residues into ones with zero and with nonzero # imaginary part, only counting imaginary poles and residues once # we should really migrate this to scipy.signal._cplxreal complexp = [] complexr = [] realp = [] realr = [] while (len(pc) > 0): pp = pc.pop(0) rr = rc.pop(0) if np.imag(pp) == 0: realp.append(pp) realr.append(rr) else: # find closest-matching index diff = np.abs(np.asarray(pc) - np.conjugate(pp)) index = np.argmin(diff) if diff[index] > tol: logger.warning( "Conjugate partner for pole %s deviates from " "expected value by %s > %s", pp, diff[index], tol) complexp.append((pp + np.conjugate(pc.pop(index))) / 2.0) complexr.append((rr + np.conjugate(rc.pop(index))) / 2.0) complexp = np.asarray(complexp, dtype=np.complex128) complexr = np.asarray(complexr, dtype=np.complex128) # 1) filter coefficients come as an array of 6-vectors # [b0, b1, 0.0, 1.0, a1, a2] # # 2) each of the implemented biquad filters will output # y[n] = b0*x[n] + b1*x[n-1] + a1*y[n-1] + b2*y[n-2] # This can be rewritten # 1.0*y[n] - a1*y[n-1] - b2*y[n-2] = b0*x[n] + b1*x[n-1] + 0*x[n-2] # this is equivalent to # # b0 + b1*z^-1 # Y(z)/X(z) = ---------------------------- # 1.0 - a1*z^-1 - a2*z^-1 # # 3) The design started in continuous time, where we have the partial # fraction expansion as a starting point: # # a[k] # Y(s)/X(s) = sum_(k=1)^N ---------- # s - p[k] # # 4) Oppenheim+Schaefer 1975 p 203 states that 3) is transformed to # # dt * a[k] # Y(s)/X(s) = sum_(k=1)^N ------------------------ # 1 - exp(p[k]*dt)*z^-1 # # 5) The previous transformation (in cont2discrete has already done this: # p -> exp(p*dt), a -> a*dt, so we already have # # a[k] # Y(z)/X(z) = sum_(k=1)^N ------------------ # 1 - p[k]*z^-1 # # 6) Thus, we just have to merge two conjugate first-order sections into # one second order section. As can be easily verified, we multiply a # section from 5) by its complex conjugate and compare coefficients # with the ones from 2):: # # b0 = 2.0*real(a) # b1 = -2.0 * real(a*conjugate(p)) # a1 = 2.0*real(p) # a2 = -abs(p)**2 # we must invert the denominator for comatibility with scipy # when the coefficients are written to the FPGA, the inversion is undone invert = -1.0 coefficients[:len(complexp), 0] = 2.0 * np.real(complexr) coefficients[:len(complexp), 1] = \ -2.0 * np.real(complexr * np.conjugate(complexp)) coefficients[:len(complexp), 4] = 2.0 * np.real(complexp) * invert coefficients[:len(complexp), 5] = -1.0 * np.abs(complexp) ** 2 * invert # for a pair of real poles, residues (p1, p2) and (r1, r2), we find # b0 = r1 + r2 # b1 = - r1*p2 - r2*p1 # a1 = p1 + p2 # a2 = -p1*p2 # make number of poles even if len(realp) % 2 != 0: realp.append(0) realr.append(0) realp = np.asarray(np.real(realp), dtype=np.float64) realr = np.asarray(np.real(realr), dtype=np.float64) # realp = np.asarray((realp), dtype=np.float64) # realr = np.asarray((realr), dtype=np.float64) # implement coefficients - order is the one from specification of poles # Some kind of sorting should be implemented but not clear which one. # We will do this once problems with this procedure become visible # in order to optimize the performance on an actual problem. for i in range(len(realp) // 2): p1, p2 = realp[2 * i], realp[2 * i + 1] r1, r2 = realr[2 * i], realr[2 * i + 1] coefficients[len(complexp)+i, 0] = r1 + r2 coefficients[len(complexp)+i, 1] = -r1 * p2 - r2 * p1 coefficients[len(complexp)+i, 4] = (p1 + p2) * invert coefficients[len(complexp)+i, 5] = (-p1 * p2) * invert # finish the design by adding a constant term if needed if c != 0: coefficients[-1, 0] = c return coefficients
[docs] def minimize_delay(self, coefficients=None): """ Minimizes the delay of coefficients by rearranging the biquads in an optimal way (highest frequency poles get minimum delay. Parameters ---------- coefficients Returns ------- new coefficients """ if coefficients is None: coefficients = self.coefficients newcoefficients = list() ranks = list() for c in list(coefficients): # empty sections (numerator is 0) are ranked 0 if (c[0:3] == 0).all(): ranks.append(0) else: z, p, k = sos2zpk([c]) # compute something proportional to the frequency of the pole ppp = [np.abs(np.log(pp)) for pp in p if pp != 0] if not ppp: f = 1e20 # no pole -> superfast else: f = np.max(ppp) ranks.append(f) newcoefficients = [c for (rank, c) in sorted(zip(ranks, list(coefficients)), key=lambda pair: -pair[0])] return np.array(newcoefficients)
[docs] def finiteprecision(self, coeff=None, totalbits=None, shiftbits=None): if coeff is None: coeff = self.coefficients if totalbits is None: totalbits = self.totalbits if shiftbits is None: shiftbits = self.shiftbits res = coeff * 0 + coeff for x in np.nditer(res, op_flags=['readwrite']): xr = np.round(x * 2 ** shiftbits) xmax = 2 ** (totalbits - 1) if xr == 0 and xr != 0: logger.warning("One value was rounded off to zero: Increase " "shiftbits in fpga design if this is a " "problem!") elif xr > xmax - 1: xr = xmax - 1 logger.warning("One value saturates positively: Increase " "totalbits or decrease gain!") elif xr < -xmax: xr = -xmax logger.warning("One value saturates negatively: Increase " "totalbits or decrease gain!") x[...] = 2 ** (-shiftbits) * xr return res
@property def coefficients_rounded(self): if hasattr(self, '_fcoefficients'): return self._fcoefficients self._fcoefficients = self.finiteprecision() return self._fcoefficients
[docs] def tf_inputfilter(self, inputfilter=None, frequencies=None): # input # anti aliasing filter and additional delay model # delay comes from latency in fpga + on average half sampling time moduledelay = self.moduledelay + self.loops / 2.0 if inputfilter is None: inputfilter = self.inputfilter if frequencies is None: frequencies = self.frequencies frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies, dtype=np.complex) try: len(inputfilter) except: inputfilter = [inputfilter] # make it iterable tf = frequencies*0 + 1.0 for f in inputfilter: if f > 0: # lowpass tf /= (1.0 + 1j * frequencies / f) moduledelay += 1 elif f < 0: # highpass tf /= (1.0 + 1j * f / frequencies) moduledelay += 2 # add delay delay = moduledelay * self.dt # + extradelay tf *= np.exp(-1j*delay*frequencies*2*np.pi) return tf
@property def designdata(self): return [(self.frequencies, self.tf_continuous(), 'continuous'), (self.frequencies, self.tf_partialfraction(), 'partialfraction'), (self.frequencies, self.tf_discrete(), 'discrete'), (self.frequencies, self.tf_coefficients(), 'coefficients'), (self.frequencies, self.tf_rounded(), 'rounded'), #(self.frequencies, self.tf_delay(), 'rounded+delay'), (self.frequencies, self.tf_final(), 'final')]
[docs] def tf_continuous(self, frequencies=None): """ Returns the continuous transfer function of sys at frequencies. Parameters ---------- sys: tuple (zeros, poles, gain) zeros: list of complex zeros poles: list of complex poles gain: float frequencies: np.array frequencies to compute the transfer function for Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) """ if frequencies is None: frequencies = self.frequencies frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies, dtype=np.float64) h = freqs(self.rescaled_sys, frequencies * 2 * np.pi) return h * self.tf_inputfilter(frequencies=frequencies)
[docs] def tf_partialfraction(self, frequencies=None): """ Returns the transfer function just before the partial fraction expansion for frequencies. Parameters ---------- sys: (poles, zeros, k) dt: sampling time continuous: if True, returns the transfer function in continuous time domain, if False converts to discrete one method: method for scipy.signal.cont2discrete alpha: alpha for above method (see scipy documentation) Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) """ # this code is more or less a direct copy of get_coeff() if frequencies is None: frequencies = self.frequencies frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies, dtype=np.complex128) r, p, c = self.rp_continuous h = freqs_rp(r, p, c, frequencies*2*np.pi) return h * self.tf_inputfilter(frequencies=frequencies)
[docs] def tf_discrete(self, rp_discrete=None, frequencies=None): """ Returns the discrete transfer function realized by coefficients at frequencies. Parameters ---------- rpz: np.array coefficients as returned from iir module (array of biquad coefficients) frequencies: np.array frequencies to compute the transfer function for dt: float discrete sampling time (seconds) delay_per_cycle: float the biquad at coefficients[i] experiences an extra delay of i*delay_per_cycle zoh: bool If true, zero-order hold implementation is assumed. Otherwise, the delay is expected to depend on the index of biquad. Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) """ if frequencies is None: frequencies = self.frequencies frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies, dtype=np.complex128) if rp_discrete is None: r, p, c = self.rp_discrete else: r, p, c = rp_discrete rc, pc, cc = discrete2cont(r, p, c, dt=self.dt * self.loops) h = freqs_rp(rc, pc, cc, frequencies * 2 * np.pi) return h * self.tf_inputfilter(frequencies=frequencies)
[docs] def tf_coefficients(self, frequencies=None, coefficients=None, delay=False): """ computes implemented transfer function - assuming no delay and infinite precision (actually floating-point precision) Returns the discrete transfer function realized by coefficients at frequencies. Parameters ---------- coefficients: np.array coefficients as returned from iir module frequencies: np.array frequencies to compute the transfer function for dt: float discrete sampling time (seconds) zoh: bool If true, zero-order hold implementation is assumed. Otherwise, the delay is expected to depend on the index of biquad. Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) """ if frequencies is None: frequencies = self.frequencies frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies, dtype=np.float64) if coefficients is None: fcoefficients = self.coefficients else: fcoefficients = coefficients # discrete frequency w = frequencies * 2 * np.pi * self.dt * self.loops # the higher stages have progressively more delay to the output if delay: delay_per_cycle = np.exp(-1j * self.dt * frequencies * 2 * np.pi) h = np.zeros(len(w), dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(len(fcoefficients)): sos = np.asarray(fcoefficients[i], dtype=np.float64) # later we can use sig.sosfreqz (very recent function, dont want # to update scipy now) ww, hh = sig.freqz(sos[:3], sos[3:], worN=np.asarray(w, dtype=np.float64)) if delay: hh *= delay_per_cycle ** i h += hh return h
[docs] def tf_rounded(self, frequencies=None, delay=False): """ Returns the discrete transfer function realized by coefficients at frequencies. Parameters ---------- coefficients: np.array coefficients as returned from iir module frequencies: np.array frequencies to compute the transfer function for dt: float discrete sampling time (seconds) zoh: bool If true, zero-order hold implementation is assumed. Otherwise, the delay is expected to depend on the index of biquad. Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) """ return self.tf_coefficients(frequencies=frequencies, coefficients=self.coefficients_rounded, delay=delay)
[docs] def tf_final(self, frequencies=None): """ Returns the discrete transfer function realized by coefficients at frequencies. Parameters ---------- coefficients: np.array coefficients as returned from iir module frequencies: np.array frequencies to compute the transfer function for dt: float discrete sampling time (seconds) zoh: bool If true, zero-order hold implementation is assumed. Otherwise, the delay is expected to depend on the index of biquad. Returns ------- np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) """ return self.tf_rounded(frequencies=frequencies, delay=True) * \ self.tf_inputfilter(frequencies=frequencies)
@property def sampling_rate(self): return 1.0/(self.dt * self.loops) @property def frequencies(self): if hasattr(self, '_frequencies') and self._frequencies is not None: return self._frequencies z, p, k = self.proper_sys pz = list(np.abs(z)) + list(np.abs(p)) start = min([self.sampling_rate/1000.0] + pz) stop = max([self.sampling_rate] + pz) # 1000 points / decade points = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop/start)*1000)) self._frequencies = np.array(np.logspace(np.log10(start), np.log10(stop), points, endpoint=True), dtype=np.complex128) return self._frequencies