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Source code for pyrpl.hardware_modules.iir.iir

from . import iir_theory #, bodefit
from .. import FilterModule
from ...attributes import IntRegister, BoolRegister, ComplexProperty, \
    FloatProperty, StringProperty, CurveSelectProperty, \
    GainRegister, ConstantIntRegister, FloatAttributeListProperty, \
from ...widgets.module_widgets import IirWidget
from ...modules import SignalLauncher

import numpy as np
from qtpy import QtCore

[docs]class SignalLauncherIir(SignalLauncher): update_plot = QtCore.Signal()
[docs]class OverflowProperty(StringProperty):
[docs] def get_value(self, obj): value = obj.overflow_bitfield if value == 0: text = 'no overflow' elif bool(value & 0b1111111): text = "sum and internal saturation" elif bool(value & 0b1000000): text = 'sum saturation' elif bool(value & 0b0111111): text = 'internal saturation' else: text = 'unknown overflow %d'%value return text
[docs] def validate_and_normalize(self, obj, value): # this is a read-only property, but it has to be read to reset it return self.get_value(obj)
[docs] def set_value(self, obj, value): # this is a read-only property, but it has to be read to reset it self.launch_signal(obj, value)
# The properties zeros/poles are the master properties to store zeros or # poles. For user interface reasons, we divide these lists into its real and # complex parts (slave properties). IirListProperty is for zeros/poles, # IirFloatListProperty and IirComplexListProperty are for the real/complex # parts. These custom classes are intended to keep the master and slave in # synchrony.
[docs]class IirListProperty(ComplexProperty): """ master property to store zeros and poles """ default = []
[docs] def set_value(self, obj, value): """ the master's setter writes its value to the slave lists """ real, complex = [], [] for v in value: # separate real from complex values if np.imag(v) == 0: real.append(v.real) else: complex.append(v) # avoid calling setup twice with obj.do_setup: setattr(obj, 'complex_' +, complex) setattr(obj, 'real_' +, real)
# this property should have call_setup=True, such that obj._setup() # is called automatically after this function
[docs] def get_value(self, obj): """ the master's getter collects its value from the real and complex list """ return list(getattr(obj, 'complex_' + getattr(obj, 'real_'
[docs] def validate_and_normalize(self, obj, value): """ Converts the value in a list of float numbers. """ if not np.iterable(value): value = [value] return [self.validate_and_normalize_element(obj, val) for val in value]
[docs] def validate_and_normalize_element(self, obj, val): return super(IirListProperty, self).validate_and_normalize(obj, val)
[docs]class IirFloatListProperty(FloatAttributeListProperty): """ slave property to store real part of zeros and poles """
[docs] def value_updated(self, obj, value=None, appendix=[]): super(IirFloatListProperty, self).value_updated(obj, value=value, appendix=appendix) pole_or_zero ='_')[1] # 2nd part of name is pole/zero # forward value_updated to master getattr(obj.__class__, pole_or_zero).value_updated(obj)
[docs] def validate_and_normalize_element(self, obj, val): """ makes sure that real poles are strictly positive. val=0 is turned into val=-1. """ val = FloatAttributeListProperty.validate_and_normalize_element(self, obj, val) pole_or_zero ='_')[1] # 2nd part of name is pole/zero if val > 0 and pole_or_zero == 'pole': obj._logger.warning('Real pole %s has a positive real part. ' 'This will lead to unstable behavior. ' 'The value was changed to %s. ', val, val*-1) val *= -1 if val == 0: obj._logger.warning('Real %s %s has a real part of zero. This will lead to ' 'unstable behavior. The value was changed to %s. ', pole_or_zero, val, -1) val = -1 return val
[docs] def list_changed(self, module, operation, index, value=None): """ make sure that an element from one of the four lists is selected at once""" if operation == 'select': # unselect all others if not hasattr(module, '_selecting') or not getattr(module, '_selecting'): try: setattr(module, '_selecting', True) for name in [start+'_'+end for start in ['real', 'complex'] for end in ['poles', 'zeros']]: if name != getattr(module, name).selected = None'%s.selected = None', name) setattr(module, '_selected_pole_or_zero', setattr(module, '_selected_index', index) finally: setattr(module, '_selecting', False) super(IirFloatListProperty, self).list_changed(module, operation, index, value=value) module._signal_launcher.update_plot.emit() else: super(IirFloatListProperty, self).list_changed(module, operation, index, value=value)
[docs]class IirComplexListProperty(IirFloatListProperty, ComplexAttributeListProperty): """ slave property to store complex part of zeros and poles """
[docs] def validate_and_normalize_element(self, obj, val): """ real part should be strictly negative. imaginary part is in principle arbitrary, but will be kept positive for simplicity. """ val = ComplexAttributeListProperty.validate_and_normalize_element(self, obj, val) re = val.real im = val.imag pole_or_zero ='_')[1] # 2nd part of name is pole/zero if re > 0 and pole_or_zero == 'pole': re *= -1 obj._logger.warning('Real pole %s has a positive real part. ' 'This will lead to unstable behavior. ' 'The value was changed to %s. ', val, ) if re == 0: re = -1 obj._logger.warning('Real %s %s has a real part of zero. This will lead to ' 'unstable behavior. The value was changed to %s. ', pole_or_zero, val, complex(re, im)) if im < 0: im *= -1'Imaginary part of complex %s %s was inverted for simplicity. ' 'New value is %s.', pole_or_zero, val, complex(re, im)) return complex(re, im)
[docs]class IIR(FilterModule): _signal_launcher = SignalLauncherIir iirfilter = None # will be set by setup() _minloops = 5 # minimum number of loops for correct behaviour _maxloops = 1023 # the first biquad (self.coefficients[0] has _delay cycles of delay # from input to output_signal. Biquad self.coefficients[i] has # _delay+i cycles of delay. _delay = 5 # empirically found. Counting cycles gave me 7. # parameters for scipy.signal.cont2discrete _method = 'gbt' # method to go from continuous to discrete coefficients _alpha = 0.5 # alpha parameter for method (scipy.signal.cont2discrete) # invert denominator coefficients to convert from scipy notation to # the fpga-implemented notation (following Oppenheim and Schaefer: DSP) _invert = True _IIRBITS = ConstantIntRegister(0x200) _IIRSHIFT = ConstantIntRegister(0x204) _IIRSTAGES = ConstantIntRegister(0x208) _widget_class = IirWidget _setup_attributes = ["input", "loops", "zeros", "poles", "output_direct", "inputfilter", "gain", "on", "bypass", "data_curve"] _gui_attributes = ["input", "loops", "complex_zeros", "complex_poles", "real_zeros", "real_poles", "output_direct", "inputfilter", "gain", "on", "bypass", "overflow", "data_curve", # for debugging #"_setup_unity", #"_setup_zero" ] loops = IntRegister(0x100, doc="Decimation factor of IIR w.r.t. 125 MHz. Must be " "at least %d. " % _minloops, default=_minloops, min=_minloops, max=_maxloops, call_setup=True) on = BoolRegister(0x104, 0, doc="IIR is on", default=False) bypass = BoolRegister(0x104, 1, doc="IIR is bypassed", default=False) # fpga register name: shortcut # principal storage of the pole/zero data, _setup is called through # zeros/poles defined just below complex_poles = IirComplexListProperty(default=[], default_element=10000.0j-1000.0, log_increment=True) complex_zeros = IirComplexListProperty(default=[], default_element=10000.0j-1000.0, log_increment=True) real_poles = IirFloatListProperty(default=[], default_element=-10000.0, log_increment=True) real_zeros = IirFloatListProperty(default=[], default_element=-10000.0, log_increment=True) # convenience properties to manipulate combined list zeros = IirListProperty(call_setup=True) poles = IirListProperty(call_setup=True) gain = FloatProperty(min=-1e20, max=1e20, default=1.0, increment=1e-20, log_increment=True, call_setup=True ) # obsolete # copydata = BoolRegister(0x104, 2, # doc="If True: coefficients are being copied from memory") overflow_bitfield = IntRegister(0x108, doc="Bitmask for various overflow conditions") overflow = OverflowProperty(doc="a string indicating the overflow status " "of the iir module") data_curve = CurveSelectProperty(doc="NA curve id to use as a basis for " "the graphical filter design", no_curve_first=True, call_setup=True, default=-1) @property def output_saturation(self): """ returns True if the output of the IIR filter has saturated since the last reset """ return bool(self.overflow_bitfield & 1 << 6) @property def internal_overflow(self): """ returns True if the IIR filter has experienced an internal overflow (leading to saturation) since the last reset""" overflow = bool(self.overflow_bitfield & 0b111111) if overflow:"Internal overflow has occured. Bit pattern " "%s", bin(self.overflow_bitfield)) return overflow def _from_double(self, v, bitlength=64, shift=0): v = int(np.round(v * 2 ** shift)) v = v & (2 ** bitlength - 1) hi = (v >> 32) & ((1 << 32) - 1) lo = (v >> 0) & ((1 << 32) - 1) return hi, lo def _to_double(self, hi, lo, bitlength=64, shift=0): hi = int(hi) & ((1 << (bitlength - 32)) - 1) lo = int(lo) & ((1 << 32) - 1) v = int((hi << 32) + lo) if v >> (bitlength - 1) != 0: # sign bit is set v = v - 2 ** bitlength v = np.float64(v) / 2 ** shift return v @property def coefficients(self): l = self.loops if l == 0: return np.array([]) elif l > self._IIRSTAGES: l = self._IIRSTAGES # data = np.array([v for v in self._reads(0x8000, 8 * l)]) # coefficient readback has been disabled to save FPGA resources. if hasattr(self, '_writtendata'): data = self._writtendata else: return None # raising an exception here will even screw-up things like hasattr(iir, "coefficients") # raise ValueError("Readback of coefficients not enabled. " \ # + "You must set coefficients before reading them.") coefficients = np.zeros((l, 6), dtype=np.float64) bitlength = self._IIRBITS shift = self._IIRSHIFT for i in range(l): for j in range(6): if j == 2: coefficients[i, j] = 0 elif j == 3: coefficients[i, j] = 1.0 else: if j > 3: k = j - 2 else: k = j coefficients[i, j] = self._to_double( data[i * 8 + 2 * k + 1], data[i * 8 + 2 * k], bitlength=bitlength, shift=shift) if j > 3 and self._invert: coefficients[i, j] *= -1 return coefficients @coefficients.setter def coefficients(self, v): bitlength = self._IIRBITS shift = self._IIRSHIFT stages = self._IIRSTAGES if v is None: v = [] self._logger.warning("Iir coefficient was set to None. " "and converted to an empty list. ") v = np.array([vv for vv in v], dtype=np.float64) l = len(v) if l > stages: raise Exception( "Error: Filter contains too many sections to be implemented") data = np.zeros(stages * 8, dtype=np.uint32) for i in range(l): for j in range(6): if j == 2: if v[i, j] != 0: self._logger.warning("Attention: b_2 (" + str(i) \ + ") is not zero but " + str(v[i, j])) elif j == 3: if v[i, j] != 1: self._logger.warning("Attention: a_0 (" + str(i) \ + ") is not one but " + str(v[i, j])) else: if j > 3: k = j - 2 if self._invert: v[i, j] *= -1 else: k = j hi, lo = self._from_double( v[i, j], bitlength=bitlength, shift=shift) data[i * 8 + k * 2 + 1] = hi data[i * 8 + k * 2] = lo data = [int(d) for d in data] self._writes(0x8000, data) self._writtendata = data def _setup_unity(self): """sets the IIR filter transfer function unity""" c = np.zeros((self._IIRSTAGES, 6), dtype=np.float64) c[0, 0] = 1.0 c[:, 3] = 1.0 self.coefficients = c self.loops = 1 def _setup_zero(self): """sets the IIR filter transfer function zero""" c = np.zeros((self._IIRSTAGES, 6), dtype=np.float64) c[:, 3] = 1.0 self.coefficients = c self.loops = 1 def _setup(self): """ Setup an IIR filter the transfer function of the filter will be (k ensures DC-gain = g): (s-2*pi*z[0])*(s-2*pi*z[1])... H(s) = k*------------------- (s-2*pi*p[0])*(s-2*pi*p[1])... returns -------------------------------------------------- coefficients data to be passed to iir.bodeplot to plot the realized transfer function """ #debugging here... #self._signal_launcher.update_plot.emit() #return with self.do_setup: if self._IIRSTAGES == 0: raise Exception("Error: This FPGA bitfile does not support IIR " "filters! Please use an IIR version!") self.on = False # don't mess with bypass parameter #self.bypass = False # design the filter self.iirfilter = iir_theory.IirFilter(zeros=self.zeros, poles=self.poles, gain=self.gain, loops=self.loops, dt=8e-9 * self._frequency_correction, minloops=self._minloops, maxloops=self._maxloops, iirstages=self._IIRSTAGES, totalbits=self._IIRBITS, shiftbits=self._IIRSHIFT, inputfilter=0, moduledelay=self._delay) # set loops in fpga self.loops = self.iirfilter.loops # write to the coefficients register self.coefficients = self.iirfilter.coefficients self._logger.debug("Filter sampling frequency is %.3s MHz", 1e-6 / self.sampling_time) # low-pass filter the input signal with a first order filter with # cutoff near the sampling rate - decreases aliasing and achieves # higher internal data precision (3 extra bits) through averaging #if inputfilter is None: # self.inputfilter = 125e6 * self._frequency_correction / self.loops #else: # self.inputfilter = inputfilter self.iirfilter.inputfilter = self.inputfilter # update model self._logger.debug("IIR anti-aliasing input filter set to: %s MHz", self.iirfilter.inputfilter * 1e-6) # connect the module #if input is not None: # self.input = input #if output_direct is not None: # self.output_direct = output_direct # switch it on only once everything is set up self.on = True ### wsa turnon before... self._logger.debug("IIR filter ready") # compute design error dev = (np.abs((self.coefficients[0:len(self.iirfilter.coefficients)] - self.iirfilter.coefficients).flatten())) maxdev = max(dev) reldev = maxdev / abs(self.iirfilter.coefficients.flatten()[np.argmax(dev)]) if reldev > 0.05: self._logger.warning( "Maximum deviation from design coefficients: %.4g " "(relative: %.4g)", maxdev, reldev) else: self._logger.debug("Maximum deviation from design coefficients: " "%.4g (relative: %.4g)", maxdev, reldev) if bool(self.overflow_bitfield): self._logger.warning("IIR Overflow detected. Pattern: %s", bin(self.overflow_bitfield)) else: self._logger.debug("IIR Overflow pattern: %s", bin(self.overflow_bitfield)) self._signal_launcher.update_plot.emit() @property def sampling_time(self): return 8e-9 / self._frequency_correction * self.loops ### this function is pretty much obsolete now. use self.iirfilter.tf_...
[docs] def transfer_function(self, frequencies, extradelay=0, kind='final'): """ Returns a complex np.array containing the transfer function of the current IIR module setting for the given frequency array. The best-possible estimation of delays is automatically performed for all kinds of transfer function. The setting of 'bypass' is ignored for this computation, i.e. the theoretical and measured transfer functions can only agree if bypass is False. Parameters ---------- frequencies: np.array or float Frequencies to compute the transfer function for extradelay: float External delay to add to the transfer function (in s). If zero, only the delay for internal propagation from input to output_signal is used. If the module is fed to analog inputs and outputs, an extra delay of the order of 150 ns must be passed as an argument for the correct delay modelisation. kind: str The IIR filter design is composed of a number of steps. Each step slightly modifies the transfer function to adapt it to the implementation of the IIR. The various intermediate transfer functions can be helpful to debug the iir filter. kind should be one of the following (default is 'implemented'): - 'all': returns a list of data to be passed to iir.bodeplot with all important kinds of transfer functions for debugging - 'continuous': the designed transfer function in continuous time - 'before_partialfraction_continuous': continuous filter just before partial fraction expansion of the coefficients. The partial fraction expansion introduces a large numerical error for higher order filters, so this is a good place to check whether this is a problem for a particular filter design - 'before_partialfraction_discrete': discretized filter just before partial fraction expansion of the coefficients. The partial fraction expansion introduces a large numerical error for higher order filters, so this is a good place to check whether this is a problem for a particular filter design - 'before_partialfraction_discrete_zoh': same as previous, but zero order hold assumption is used to transform from continuous to discrete - 'discrete': the transfer function after transformation to discrete time - 'discrete_samplehold': same as discrete, but zero delay between subsequent biquads is assumed - 'highprecision': hypothetical transfer function assuming that 64 bit fixed point numbers were used in the fpga (decimal point at bit 48) - 'implemented': transfer function after rounding the coefficients to the precision of the fpga Returns ------- tf: np.array(..., dtype=np.complex) The complex open loop transfer function of the module. If kind=='all', a list of plotdata tuples is returned that can be passed directly to iir.bodeplot(). """ # frequencies = np.array(frequencies, dtype=np.float) # take average delay to be half the loops since this is the # expectation value for the delay (plus internal propagation delay) # module_delay = self._delay + self.loops / 2.0 try: tf = getattr(self.iirfilter, 'tf_' + kind)(frequencies) except AttributeError: # happens when no iir filter is created tf = frequencies*0+1e-12 # for f in [self.inputfilter]: # only one filter at the moment # if f == 0: # continue # if f > 0: # lowpass # tf /= (1.0 + 1j*frequencies/f) # module_delay += 2 # two cycles extra delay per lowpass # elif f < 0: # highpass # tf /= (1.0 + 1j*f/frequencies) # # plus is correct here since f already has a minus sign # module_delay += 1 # one cycle extra delay per highpass ## add delay # delay = module_delay * 8e-9 / self._frequency_correction + extradelay # tf *= np.exp(-1j*delay*frequencies*2*np.pi) return tf
[docs] def select_pole_or_zero(self, value, logdist=True, search_in=[start+'_'+end for start in ['real', 'complex'] for end in ['poles', 'zeros']]): """ selects the pole or zero closest to value logdist=True computes the distance in logarithmic units search_in may be used to restrict the search to certain sublists """ mindist = None for name in search_in: for element in getattr(self, name): if name.startswith('complex'): # complex values are ordered by their imaginary part elementvalue = element.imag else: elementvalue = element if logdist: dist = abs(abs(value)/abs(elementvalue)) if dist < 1.0: dist = 1.0/dist else: dist = abs(abs(value)-abs(elementvalue)) # extract element with minimum distance if mindist is None or dist < mindist: mindist = dist bestmatch = element bestname = name if mindist is None: # nothing found, select nothing self.complex_poles.selected = None else: getattr(self, bestname).select(bestmatch)