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Source code for

from ..attributes import IntRegister, SelectRegister, IORegister
from ..modules import HardwareModule

import numpy as np

[docs]class HK(HardwareModule): _setup_attributes = ["led"] + \ ['expansion_P' + str(i) for i in range(8)] + \ ['expansion_N' + str(i) for i in range(8)] _gui_attributes = ["id", "led"] addr_base = 0x40000000 # We need all attributes to be there when the interpreter is done reading the class (for metaclass to workout) # see for i in range(8): locals()['expansion_P' + str(i)] = IORegister(0x20, 0x18, 0x10, bit=i, outputmode=True, doc="positive digital io") locals()['expansion_N' + str(i)] = IORegister(0x24, 0x1C, 0x14, bit=i, outputmode=True, doc="positive digital io") id = SelectRegister(0x0, doc="device ID", options={"prototype0": 0, "release1": 1}) digital_loop = IntRegister(0x0C, doc="enables digital loop") led = IntRegister(0x30, doc="LED control with bits 1:8", min=0, max=2**8) # another option: access led as array of bools # led = [BoolRegister(0x30,bit=i,doc="LED "+str(i)) for i in range(8)] def _setup(self): # the function is here for its docstring to be used by the metaclass. """ Sets the HouseKeeping module of the redpitaya up. (just setting the attributes is OK) """ pass