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Source code for pyrpl.software_modules.lockbox.input

from __future__ import division
import scipy
import numpy as np
import logging
from ...attributes import SelectProperty, FloatProperty, FrequencyProperty, \
    PhaseProperty, FilterProperty, FrequencyRegister, ProxyProperty
from ...widgets.module_widgets import LockboxInputWidget
from ...hardware_modules.dsp import DSP_INPUTS, InputSelectProperty, all_inputs
from ...pyrpl_utils import time, recursive_getattr
from ...module_attributes import ModuleProperty
from ...software_modules.lockbox import LockboxModule, LockboxModuleDictProperty
from ...modules import SignalModule
from ...software_modules.module_managers import InsufficientResourceError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CalibrationData(LockboxModule): """ class to hold the calibration data of an input signal """ _setup_attributes = ["min", "max", "mean", "rms", "_analog_offset", "_asg_phase"] _gui_attributes = [] min = FloatProperty(doc="min of the signal in V over a lockbox sweep") max = FloatProperty(doc="max of the signal in V over a lockbox sweep") mean = FloatProperty(doc="mean of the signal in V over a lockbox sweep") rms = FloatProperty(min=0, max=2, doc="rms of the signal in V over a " "lockbox sweep") _analog_offset = FloatProperty(default=0.0, doc="analog offset of the signal") _analog_offset_rms = FloatProperty(default=0.0, doc="rms of the analog offset of the signal") _asg_phase = PhaseProperty(doc="Phase of the asg when error signal is centered " "in calibration. Not used by all signals. ") @property def amplitude(self): """ small helper function for expected signal """ return 0.5 * (self.max - self.min) @property def peak_to_peak(self): """ small helper function for expected signal """ return self.max - self.min @property def offset(self): """ small helper function for expected signal """ return 0.5 * (self.max + self.min)
[docs] def get_stats_from_curve(self, curve): """ gets the mean, min, max, rms value of curve (into the corresponding self's attributes). """ if curve is None: self.logger.warning("Curve object for calibration is None. No calibration will be performed.") else: self.mean = curve.mean() self.rms = curve.std() self.min = curve.min() self.max = curve.max()
[docs]class Signal(LockboxModule, SignalModule): """ represention of a physial signal. Can be either an imput or output signal. """ _widget = None calibration_data = ModuleProperty(CalibrationData)
[docs] def signal(self): """ derived class should define this method which yields the scope- compatible signal that can be used to monitor this signal""" raise ValueError("Please define the method 'signal()' if the Signal " "%s to return a valid scope-compatible input.", return 'off'
[docs] def get_analog_offset(self, duration=1.0): """ function to acquire the analog offset of the signal (with nothing connected). This offset is subtracted from all raw signals""" # make sure the lockbox is unlocked, just in case self.lockbox.unlock() # sample the input with a rather long duration to get a good average self.stats(t=duration) current_residual_offset, current_rms = self.mean, self.rms last_offset = self.calibration_data._analog_offset # current_residual_offset = current_offset - last_offset current_offset = last_offset + current_residual_offset self.calibration_data._analog_offset = current_offset self.calibration_data._analog_offset_rms = current_rms"Calibrated analog offset of signal %s. " "Old value: %s, new value: %s, difference: %s. " "Rms of the measurement: %s.",, last_offset, self.calibration_data._analog_offset, current_residual_offset, current_rms)
################################################## # Sampler routines for diagnostics of the signal # ################################################## @property def sampler_time(self): """ specifies the duration over which to sample a signal """ if hasattr(self, '_sampler_time') and self._sampler_time is not None: return self._sampler_time elif hasattr(self.lockbox, '_sampler_time') and self.lockbox._sampler_time is not None: return self.lockbox._sampler_time else: return 0.01
[docs] def stats(self, t=None): """ returns a tuple containing the mean, rms, max, and min of the signal. """ # generate new samples for mean, rms, max, min if # a) executed for the first time, # b) nonstandard sampler time # c) last sample older than sampler time # Point c) ensures that we can call stats several times in # immediate succession, e.g. to get mean and rms if not hasattr(self, '_lasttime') or t is not None or \ time() - self._lasttime >= self.sampler_time: # choose sampler time if t is None: t = self.sampler_time # get fresh data self._lastmean, self._lastrms, self._lastmax, self._lastmin\ = self.pyrpl.rp.sampler.stats(self.signal(), t=t) # subtract analog offset from all non-relative values self._lastmean -= self.calibration_data._analog_offset self._lastmax -= self.calibration_data._analog_offset self._lastmin -= self.calibration_data._analog_offset # save a timestamp and the employed sampler time self._lasttime = time() self._lastt = t return self._lastmean, self._lastrms, self._lastmax, self._lastmin
@property def mean(self): # get fresh data mean, rms, max, min= self.stats() # compute relative quantity return mean @property def rms(self): # get fresh data mean, rms, max, min= self.stats() # compute relative quantity return rms @property def max(self): # get fresh data mean, rms, max, min= self.stats() # compute relative quantity return max @property def min(self): # get fresh data mean, rms, max, min= self.stats() # compute relative quantity return min @property def relative_mean(self): """ returns the ratio between the measured mean value and the expected one. """ # compute relative quantity return self.mean / self.calibration_data.amplitude @property def relative_rms(self): """ returns the ratio between the measured rms value and the expected mean. """ # compute relative quantity return self.rms / self.calibration_data.amplitude
[docs] def diagnostics(self, duration = 1.0): """ example code for lock diagnostics: Parameters ---------- duration: duration over which to average Returns ------- relative rms of the signal, normalized by """ # samples the input over duration self.stats(t=duration) return self.relative_rms
[docs]class InputSignal(Signal): """ A Signal that corresponds to an inputsignal of the DSPModule inside the RedPitaya. Moreover, the signal should provide a function to convert the measured voltage into the value of the model's physical variable in *unit*. The signal can be calibrated by taking a curve while scanning an output. module attributes (see BaseModule): ----------------------------------- - input_channel: the redpitaya dsp input representing the signal - min: min of the signal in V over a lockbox sweep - max: max of the signal in V over a lockbox sweep - mean: mean of the signal in V over a lockbox sweep - rms: rms of the signal in V over a lockbox sweep public methods: --------------- - acquire(): returns an experimental curve in V obtained from a sweep of the lockbox. - calibrate(): acquires a curve and determines all constants needed by expected_signal - expected_signal(variable): to be reimplemented in concrete derived class: Returns the value of the expected signal in V, depending on the variable value. - expected_slope: returns the slope of the expected signal wrt variable at a given value of the variable. - relative_mean(self): returns the ratio between the measured mean value and the expected one. - relative_rms(self): returns the ratio between the measured rms value and the expected mean. - variable(): Estimates the model variable from the current value of the input. """ _setup_attributes = ["input_signal"] _gui_attributes = ["input_signal"] _widget_class = LockboxInputWidget plot_range = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200) # range of setpoint values over which to plot signal input_signal = InputSelectProperty(call_setup=True, doc="the dsp module or lockbox " "signal used as input signal") def __init__(self, parent, name=None): # self.parameters = dict() self._lasttime = -1e10 super(InputSignal, self).__init__(parent, name=name) def _input_signal_dsp_module(self): """ returns the dsp signal corresponding to input_signal""" signal = self.input_signal # problem arises if there is a long loop of logical signals -> iterate for i in range(5): # try at most 5 hierarchy levels try: signal = recursive_getattr(self.pyrpl, signal).signal() except: # do not insist on this to work as signal may be a str pass if signal in DSP_INPUTS: return signal # no break ever occured self._logger.warning("Input signal of input %s cannot be traced " "to a valid dsp input (it yields %s). Input " "will be turned 'off'.",, signal) return 'off'
[docs] def signal(self): """ returns the signal corresponding to this module that can be used to connect the signal to other modules. By default, this is the direct input signal. """ return self._input_signal_dsp_module()
[docs] def sweep_acquire(self): """ returns an experimental curve in V obtained from a sweep of the lockbox. """ try: with self.pyrpl.scopes.pop( as scope: self.lockbox._sweep() if "sweep" in scope.states: scope.load_state("sweep") else: scope.setup(input1=self.signal(), input2=self.lockbox.outputs[self.lockbox.default_sweep_output].pid.output_direct,, trigger_delay=0, duration=1./self.lockbox.asg.frequency, ch1_active=True, ch2_active=True, average=True, trace_average=1, running_state='stopped', rolling_mode=False) scope.save_state("autosweep") curve1, curve2 = scope.curve(timeout=1./self.lockbox.asg.frequency+scope.duration) times = scope.times curve1 -= self.calibration_data._analog_offset return curve1, times except InsufficientResourceError: # scope is blocked self._logger.warning("No free scopes left for sweep_acquire. ") return None, None
[docs] def calibrate(self, autosave=False): """ This function should be reimplemented to measure whatever property of the curve is needed by expected_signal. """ curve, times = self.sweep_acquire() if curve is None: self._logger.warning('Aborting calibration because no scope is available...') return None self.calibration_data.get_stats_from_curve(curve) # log calibration values"%s calibration successful - Min: %.3f Max: %.3f Mean: %.3f Rms: %.3f",, self.calibration_data.min, self.calibration_data.max, self.calibration_data.mean, self.calibration_data.rms) # update graph in lockbox self.lockbox._signal_launcher.input_calibrated.emit([self]) # save data if desired if autosave: params = self.calibration_data.setup_attributes params['name'] ="_calibration" newcurve = self._save_curve(times, curve, **params) self.calibration_data.curve = newcurve return newcurve else: return None
[docs] def expected_signal(self, variable): """ Returns the value of the expected signal in V, depending on the setpoint value "variable". """ raise NotImplementedError("Formula relating variable and parameters to output should be implemented in derived " "class")
[docs] def expected_slope(self, variable): """ Returns the slope of the expected signal wrt variable at a given value of the variable. May be overwritten by a more efficient (analytical) method in a derived class. """ return scipy.misc.derivative(self.expected_signal, variable, dx=1e-9, n=1, # first derivative order=3)
[docs] def is_locked(self, loglevel=logging.INFO): """ returns whether the input is locked at the current stage """ # supposed to be locked at this value setpoint = self.lockbox.current_stage.setpoint # current values actmean, actrms = self.mean, self.rms # get max, min of acceptable error signals error_threshold = self.lockbox.is_locked_threshold min = self.expected_signal(setpoint-error_threshold) max = self.expected_signal(setpoint+error_threshold) startslope = self.expected_slope(setpoint - error_threshold) stopslope = self.expected_slope(setpoint + error_threshold) # no guarantee that min<max if max < min: # swap them in this case max, min = min, max # now min < max # if slopes have unequal signs, the signal has a max/min in the # interval if startslope*stopslope <= 0: if startslope > stopslope: # maximum in between, ignore upper limit max = np.inf elif startslope < stopslope: # minimum, ignore lower limit min = -np.inf if actmean > max or actmean < min: self._logger.log(loglevel, "Not locked at stage %s: " "input %s value of %.2f +- %.2f (setpoint %.2f)" "is not in error interval [%.2f, %.2f].",,, actmean, actrms, self.expected_signal(setpoint), min, max) return False # lock seems ok self._logger.log(loglevel, "Locked at stage %s: " "input %s value is %.2f +- %.2f (setpoint %.2f).",,, actmean, actrms, self.expected_signal(setpoint)) return True
# inverse is temporarily broken # # def inverse(self, func, y, x0, args=()): # """ # Finds a solution x to the equation y = func(x) in the vicinity of x0. # # Parameters # ---------- # func: function # the function # y: float or np.array(,dtype=float) # the desired value of the function # x0: float # the starting point for the search # args: tuple # optional arguments to pass to func # # Returns # ------- # x: float # the solution. None if no inverse could be found. # """ # try: # inverse = [self._inverse(self.expected_signal, yy, x0, args=args) for yy in y] # if len(inverse) == 1: # return inverse[0] # else: # return inverse # except TypeError: # def myfunc(x, *args): # return func(x, *args) - y # solution, infodict, ier, mesg = scipy.optimize.fsolve( # myfunc, # x0, # args=args, # xtol=1e-6, # epsfcn=1e-8, # fprime=self.__getattribute__(func.__name__+'_slope'), # full_output=True) # if ier == 1: # means solution was found # return solution[0] # else: # return None # # def variable(self): # """ # Estimates the model variable from the current value of the input. # """ # curve = self.sweep_acquire() # act = curve.mean() # set = self.lockbox.setpoint # variable = self.inverse(act, set) # if variable is not None: # return variable # else: # logger.warning("%s could not be estimated. Run a calibration!", # self._variable) # return None def _create_widget(self): widget = super(InputSignal, self)._create_widget() try: self.update_graph() except: pass return widget
[docs]class InputDirect(InputSignal):
[docs] def expected_signal(self, x): return x
[docs]class InputFromOutput(InputDirect):
[docs] def calibrate(self, autosave=False): """ no need to calibrate this """ pass
input_signal = InputSelectProperty( options=(lambda instance: ['lockbox.outputs.'+k for k in instance.lockbox.outputs.keys()]), doc="lockbox signal used as input")
[docs] def is_locked(self, loglevel=logging.INFO): """ this is mainly used for coarse locking where significant effective deviations from the setpoint (in units of setpoint_variable) may occur. We therefore issue a warning and return True if is_locked is based on this output. """ inputdsp = self.lockbox.signals[self.input_signal.split('.')[-1]].pid.input forwarded_input = None for inp in self.lockbox.inputs: if inp.signal() == inputdsp: forwarded_input = inp break if forwarded_input is not None: self._logger.debug("is_locked() for InputFromOutput '%s' is " "forwarded to is_locked() of input signal '%s'.",, return forwarded_input.is_locked(loglevel=loglevel) else: self._logger.warning("is_locked() for InputFromOutput '%s' is not " "implemented. No input for forwarding found.", return True
[docs] def expected_signal(self, setpoint): """ it is assumed that the output has the linear relationship between setpoint change in output_unit per volt from the redpitaya, which is configured in the output parameter 'dc_gain'. We only need to convert units to get the output voltage bringing about a given setpoint difference. """ # An example: # The configured output gain is 'output.dc_gain' nm/V. # setpoint_unit is cavity 'linewidth', the latter given by # 'lockbox._setpopint_unit_in_unit('nm')' (in nm). # Therefore, the output voltage corresponding to a change of # one linewidth is given (in V) by: # lockbox._setpopint_unit_in_unit('nm')/output.dc_gain output = self.lockbox.signals[self.input_signal.split('.')[-1]] output_unit = output.unit.split('/')[0] setpoint_in_output_unit = \ setpoint * self.lockbox._setpoint_unit_in_unit(output_unit) return setpoint_in_output_unit / output.dc_gain
[docs]class IqQuadratureFactorProperty(FloatProperty): """ this is a direct link to quadrature_factor because we want to benefit from its validate_and_normalize function"""
[docs] def set_value(self, instance, value): = value return value
[docs] def get_value(self, obj): return
[docs]class IqFilterProperty(FilterProperty):
[docs] def set_value(self, instance, val): try: val = list(val) except: val = [val, val] # preferentially choose second order filter = val super(IqFilterProperty, self).set_value(instance, self.get_value(instance)) return val
[docs] def get_value(self, instance): return
[docs] def valid_frequencies(self, module): # only allow the low-pass filter options (exclude negative high-pass options) return [v for v in if v >= 0]
[docs]class InputIq(InputSignal): """ Base class for demodulated signals. A derived class must implement the method expected_signal (see InputPdh in for example)""" _gui_attributes = ['mod_freq', 'mod_amp', 'mod_phase', 'mod_output', 'bandwidth', 'quadrature_factor'] _setup_attributes = _gui_attributes @property def acbandwidth(self): return self.mod_freq / 128.0 # mod_freq = ProxyProperty("iq.frequency") # mod_amp = ProxyProperty("iq.amplitude") # mod_phase = ProxyProperty("iq.phase") # mod_output = ProxyProperty("iq.output_direct") # quadrature_factor = ProxyProperty("iq.quadrature_factor") # bandwidth = ProxyProperty("iq.bandwidth") mod_freq = FrequencyProperty(min=0.0, max = FrequencyRegister.CLOCK_FREQUENCY / 2.0, default = 0.0, call_setup = True) mod_amp = FloatProperty(min=-1, max=1, default=0.0, call_setup=True) mod_phase = PhaseProperty(call_setup=True) mod_output = SelectProperty(['out1', 'out2'], call_setup=True) quadrature_factor = IqQuadratureFactorProperty(call_setup=True) bandwidth = IqFilterProperty(call_setup=True) @property def iq(self): if not hasattr(self, '_iq') or self._iq is None: self._iq = self.pyrpl.iqs.pop( return self._iq
[docs] def signal(self): return
def _clear(self): self._iq = None super(InputIq, self)._clear() def _setup(self): """ setup a PDH error signal using the attribute values """, amplitude=self.mod_amp, phase=self.mod_phase, input=self._input_signal_dsp_module(), gain=0, bandwidth=self.bandwidth, acbandwidth=self.acbandwidth, quadrature_factor=self.quadrature_factor, output_signal='quadrature', output_direct=self.mod_output)