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Source code for pyrpl.hardware_modules.trig

from ..attributes import BoolRegister, FloatRegister, SelectRegister, PhaseRegister, LongRegister
from . import FilterModule
from ..pyrpl_utils import sorted_dict

[docs]class Trig(FilterModule): """ The trigger module implements a full-rate trigger on a DSP signal. The trigger can be used to assert whether its input signal remains within pre-specified bounds or to record the phase of asg0 at the moment when the trigger was triggered. This makes it comparable in performance to an IQ module. We plan to enable usage of the trigger module as additional trigger input for the scope, thereby enabling the recording of arbitrary data while triggering on a signal that is not necessarily the trigger source. """ _setup_attributes = ["input", "output_direct", "output_signal", "trigger_source", "threshold", "hysteresis", "phase_offset", "auto_rearm", "phase_abs"]#, #"trigger_armed"] _gui_attributes = _setup_attributes armed = BoolRegister(0x100, 0, doc="Set to True to arm trigger") auto_rearm = BoolRegister(0x104, 0, doc="Automatically re-arm trigger?") phase_abs = BoolRegister(0x104, 1, doc="Output the absolute value of the phase") _trigger_sources = {"off": 0, "pos_edge": 1, "neg_edge": 2, "both_edge": 3} trigger_sources = sorted(_trigger_sources.keys()) # help for the user trigger_source = SelectRegister(0x108, doc="Trigger source", options=_trigger_sources, default='off') _output_signals = sorted_dict(TTL = 0, asg0_phase = 1) output_signals = _output_signals.keys() output_signal = SelectRegister(0x10C, options=_output_signals, doc="Signal to use as module output") phase_offset = PhaseRegister(0x110, bits=14, doc="offset to add to the output phase (before taking absolute value)") threshold = FloatRegister(0x118, bits=14, norm=2 ** 13, doc="trigger threshold [volts]") hysteresis = FloatRegister(0x11C, bits=14, norm=2 ** 13, doc="hysteresis for ch1 trigger [volts]") current_timestamp = LongRegister(0x15C, bits=64, doc="An absolute counter " + "for the time [cycles]") trigger_timestamp = LongRegister(0x164, bits=64, doc="An absolute counter " + "for the trigger time [cycles]") def _setup(self): """ sets up the module (just setting the attributes is OK). """ self.armed = True
[docs] def output_signal_to_phase(self, v): """ Converts the output signal value from volts to degrees. This is useful when :py:attr:`Trig.output_signal` is set to a phase and the phase is to be retrieved from a sampled output value. The conversion is based on the following correspondence: :math:`0\,\mathrm{V} = 0\deg,\, -1\,\mathrm{V} = 180\deg,\, 1\,\mathrm{V} = 180\deg - \epsilon\,.` Args: v (float): The output signal value in Volts. Returns: float: The phase in degrees corresponding to the argument value. """ return (v * 180.0) % 360.0