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Source code for pyrpl.hardware_modules.dsp

from collections import OrderedDict
from ..attributes import BoolRegister, SelectProperty, SelectProperty, SelectRegister
from ..modules import HardwareModule, SignalModule
from ..pyrpl_utils import sorted_dict, recursive_getattr, recursive_setattr

# order here determines the order in the GUI etc.
DSP_INPUTS = OrderedDict([
    ('in1', 10), #same as asg
    ('in2', 11),
    ('out1', 12),
    ('out2', 13),
    ('iq0', 5),
    ('iq1', 6),
    ('iq2', 7),
    ('iq2_2', 14),
    ('pid0', 0),
    ('pid1', 1),
    ('pid2', 2),
    ('asg0', 8),
    ('asg1', 9),
    ('trig', 3),
    ('iir', 4),
    # ('scope0', 8), #same as asg0 by design
    # ('scope1', 9), #same as asg1 by design
    ('off', 15)])

[docs]def all_inputs_keys(instance): """ collects all available logical inputs, composed of all dsp inputs and all submodule inputs, such as lockbox signals etc.""" # options is a mapping from option names to the setting of _input signals = list(DSP_INPUTS.keys()) if instance is not None: try: pyrpl = instance.pyrpl except AttributeError: pass else: if hasattr(pyrpl, 'software_modules'): for module in pyrpl.software_modules: try: module_signals = module.signals except AttributeError: if isinstance(module, SignalModule): module_signals = { module} else: continue for name, signal in module_signals.items(): signals.append( signal = signal.parent while signal != pyrpl: signals[-1] = + '.' + signals[-1] signal = signal.parent return signals
[docs]def all_inputs(instance): """ collects all available logical inputs, composed of all dsp inputs and all submodule inputs, such as lockbox signals etc.""" # options is a mapping from option names to the setting of _input signals = OrderedDict() for k in all_inputs_keys(instance): if k in DSP_INPUTS: signals[k] = DSP_INPUTS[k] elif instance is not None: try: signals[k] = recursive_getattr(instance.pyrpl, k+'.signal')() except AttributeError: pass for i in range(4): # avoid closed loops by maximum depth of iteration for signal in signals: if signals[signal] not in signals: pass elif signals[signal] == signal: # points to its own key signals[signal] = 'off' else: # signal points to the key of another signal signals[signal] = signals[signals[signal]] # resolve pointer return signals
[docs]class InputSelectProperty(SelectProperty): """ a select register that stores logical signals if possible, otherwise the underlying dsp signals""" def __init__(self, options=all_inputs_keys, **kwargs): SelectProperty.__init__(self, options=options, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_and_normalize(self, obj, value): if isinstance(value, SignalModule): # try to construct the path from the pyrpl module pyrpl, rp = value.pyrpl, value.pyrpl.rp name = fullname = name module = value.parent while (module != pyrpl) and (module != rp): fullname = + '.' + fullname module = module.parent # take this path as the input signal key if allowed if fullname in self.options(obj): value = fullname # try to remove the preceding stuff from name (allows shortcuts) elif name in self.options(obj): value = name # otherwise take the corresponding dsp signal else: value = value.signal() else: options = self.options(obj) if value not in options: # if not an option, try to remove preceding text from options # and see if a match is possible options = [o for o in self.options(obj) if o.endswith(value)] if len(options) > 0: value, oldvalue = options[0], value if len(options) > 1: obj._logger.warning("%s.%s was ambiguously assigned " "the input %s from %s. Possible " "values were %s.",,, value, oldvalue, options) return super(InputSelectProperty, self).validate_and_normalize(obj, value)
[docs]class InputSelectRegister(InputSelectProperty, SelectRegister): def __init__(self, address, options=all_inputs, **kwargs): SelectRegister.__init__(self, address, options=options, **kwargs)
[docs]def all_output_directs(instance): return sorted_dict(off=0, out1=1, out2=2, both=3, sort_by_values=True)
[docs]def dsp_addr_base(name): # find address from name number = DSP_INPUTS[name] return 0x40300000 + number * 0x10000
[docs]class DspModule(HardwareModule, SignalModule): """ A module with an input and an auxiliary output_direct signal. DSP modules can be chained one after the other by setting the input port of module *B* to module 'A'. e.g: .. code-block:: python from pyrpl import Pyrpl r = Pyrpl().redpitaya # Route the signal from analog input 'in1' to pid0 then pid1, then # monitor the result on the scope: r.pid0.input = 'in1' r.pid1.input = 'pid0' r.scope.input1 = r.pid1 # modules can also be resolved by object An auxiliary output can be used to output a signal to the DACs. All signals routed to the same DAC are summed together. .. code-block:: python # output the signal to analog output 1: r.pid1.output_direct = 'out1' # the modulation output of iq0 will be summed with the previous signal r.iq0.output_direct = 'out1' """ def __init__(self, rp, name): self._number = DSP_INPUTS[name] self.addr_base = dsp_addr_base(name) super(DspModule, self).__init__(rp, name) _delay = 0 # delay of the module from input to output_signal (in cycles) @property def inputs(self): self._logger.warning("Deprecation warning: DspModule.inputs " "will soon be removed. Use " "DspModule.input_options instead!") return all_inputs(self).keys() input = InputSelectRegister(0x0, options=all_inputs, doc="selects the input signal of the module") @property def output_directs(self): self._logger.warning("Deprecation warning: DspModule.output_directs" "will soon be removed. Use " "DspModule.output_direct_options instead!") return all_output_directs(self).keys() output_direct = SelectRegister(0x4, options=all_output_directs, doc="selects to which analog output the " "module signal is sent directly") out1_saturated = BoolRegister(0x8, 0, doc="True if out1 is saturated") out2_saturated = BoolRegister(0x8, 1, doc="True if out2 is saturated")