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Source code for pyrpl.errors

[docs]class UnexpectedPyrplError(Exception): """Raise when an unexpected error occurs that should be reported""" # color codes STARTC = "\x1b[35m" # purple ENDC = "\x1b[0m" # normal pyrpl_error_message = STARTC + """\n\n An unexpected error occured in PyRPL. Please help us to improve the program by copy-pasting the full error message and optionally some additional information regarding your setup on as a new issue. It is possible that we can help you to get rid of the error. If your error is related to improper usage of the PyRPL API, your report will help us improve the documentation. Thanks! """ + ENDC def __init__(self, message="", **kwargs): self.message = message + self.pyrpl_error_message super(UnexpectedPyrplError, self).__init__(self.message, **kwargs)
[docs]class ExpectedPyrplError(Exception): """Raise when an unexpected error occurs that should be reported""" # color codes STARTC = "\x1b[35m" # purple ENDC = "\x1b[0m" # normal pyrpl_error_message = STARTC + """\n\n An expected error occured in PyRPL. Please follow the instructions in this error message and retry! """ + ENDC def __init__(self, message="", **kwargs): self.message = message + self.pyrpl_error_message super(ExpectedPyrplError, self).__init__(self.message, **kwargs)
[docs]class NotReadyError(ValueError): pass