Installing PyRPL

The Fastest way: Running from binary files

The easiest and fastest way to get PyRPL running is to download and execute the precompiled executable for windows or linux. This option requires no extra programs to be installed on the computer. If you want the Pyrpl binaries for a Mac, please let us know by creating a new issue and we will prepare them for you.

The Hacker’s way: Running the Python source code

If you would like to use and/or modify the source code, make sure you have an installation of Python (2.7, 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6).

Prerequisites: Getting the right Python installation

There are many ways to get the Python working with Pyrpl. The following list is non-exhaustive

Option 1: Installation from Anaconda

If you are new to Python or unexperienced with fighting installation issues, it is recommended to install the Anaconda Python distribution, which allows to install all PyRPL dependencies via:

conda install numpy scipy paramiko pandas nose pip pyqt qtpy pyqtgraph pyyaml

Check Common issues with Anaconda for hints if you cannot execute conda in a terminal. Alternatively, if you prefer creating a virtual environment for pyrpl, do so with the following two commands:

conda create -y -n pyrpl-env numpy scipy paramiko pandas nose pip pyqt qtpy pyqtgraph pyyaml
activate pyrpl-env

Option 2: Installation on a regular (non-Anaconda) python version

If you are not using Anaconda, installing all Python packages required to run pyrpl can be difficult, frustrating and time-consuming, at least on Windows systems, so even if you have Python (should be one of the versions 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6) already installed, you should reconsider “Option 1: Installation from Anaconda”, especially since Anaconda can be installed to work side-by-side with pre-existing Python installations if the (default) installation option to not modify environment variables is chosen.

The main reason for the difficulty to work without Anaconda on windows is that you need a C-compiler that works in harmony with the python package manager “pip” to compile the C-extensions of these packages. A workaround is to indivitually download and install the precompiled Python wheels by Christoph Gohlke. You should install the following packages this way before attempting installing Pyrpl: numpy, scipy, paramiko, pandas, PyQt4, pyqtgraph.

Even if you have a working C-compiler on your system, you must manually install the python package PyQt5 or PyQt4, since this package is not mangaged by the python package manager “pip”.

All remaining dependencies will be automatically installed by setuptools when Pyrpl is installed (see the section Downloading and installing PyRPL from source).

Downloading and installing PyRPL from source

Various channels are available to obtain the PyRPL source code.

Option 1: Installation with pip (recommended, for standard users) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

If you have pip correctly installed, executing the following line in a command line should install pyrpl and all missing dependencies:

pip install pyrpl

Option 2: From (for developers and tinkerers)

If you have a git client installed (recommended), clone the pyrpl repository to your computer with:


If you do not want to install git on your computer, just download and extract the repository from () the repository.

Install PyRPL by navigating with the command line terminal (the one where the pyrpl-env environment is active in case you are using anaconda) into the pyrpl root directory and typing:

python develop